AMA Travel Tips

AMA Travel Tips

Forums General AMA Travel Tips

  • Creator
  • #14422 Reply
    Chris Roady

      Some of these lists are pretty hokey, or just basic stuff. This one from the AMA certainly covers some basic ground, but I thought it was worth posting as a good reminder since many of us are about to set out on a multi-week ride to Montana.

      Numbers 1 & 4 are good ones that I don’t always think to put into intentional practice. Numbers 7 & 12 are good reminders on a long trip (I “think” I’m pretty good at these, but …).

      Not mentioned in here, but worth mentioning is to plan well for the extreme heat we are going to see as we set out on this epic ride. My cool vest and cool neck gator is ready to deploy, along with LD comfort shorts, sleeves and plain-wrap wicking shirts. I will also cross our deserts in the “relative” cool of EARLY morning with a planned 3:00 AM-ish departure. End the next day in Colorado where hopefully the temps are a bit more tolerable for several days. We’ll see .. best laid plans and all 😉

      Have a great ride South Coasters, really looking forward to camping with y’all in Great Falls !!!

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    • Author
      • #14425 Reply
        Mark Borgeson

          For traveling in the heat I recommend electrolyte supplements. I swear by Jigsaw Health Electrolyte Supreme powder mix. It’s basically a very high powered Gator Aid. I have one every morning on hot sweaty days. It really helps. I’ll have extras on the MOA Rally trip for anyone who wants some but I don’t meet up with the club until day 4.

        • #14428 Reply
          Bill Allen

            Another option to Mark’s suggestion is get powdered Gatorade at the grocery store. The problem with liquid Gatorade is that the electrolytes are held in suspension with sucrose. Powdered Gatorade does not contain sucrose. You then mix a 50% solution in your Camelbak. Since you are not running a marathon, you don’t need a 100% solution. I found that 3 scoops in a 70 oz. Camelbak does the trick. That way, you can sip and stay hydrated as you ride.

            Regardless, do something to stay hydrated. Dehydration can be a killer on a motorcycle.

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