49r Rally – Need to sign up ASAP

49r Rally – Need to sign up ASAP

Forums General 49r Rally – Need to sign up ASAP

  • Creator
  • #14121 Reply
    Jacob Furgatch

      This years NorCal 49r Rally is back on with a limit of 300 attendees. Registration was open for the first week to NorCal club members only. They just opened it up to all comers. 195 club members signed up which leaves 105 (now 104, minus one – me) available. If you want to go I would advise you grab a spot. With annual attendance sometimes going as high as 500+, and last years cancelled due to COVID, I think the remaining spots will go fast. Whatever state/county COVID protocols in place at the time of the rally will be observed.

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    • Author
      • #14122 Reply
        Jacob Furgatch

          Dear Jacob Furgatch,
          You are invited to the following event:

          The 2021 BMW NorCal 49er!

          When: 27 May 2021 3:00 PM, PDT
          Where: Mariposa Fairgrounds

          Will you be attending?

          Not attending

          EVENT DETAILS:

          We have confirmed with the Fairgrounds and County Health Department that we can hold the 49er Rally with a few modifications. The first is that we will limit attendence to 300 people. This necessitated us increasing the price to $85. Also we will likley hold our Saturday night meal outdoors. Finally, this is all a work in progress given the late start so there may be other changes we need to make but we are working hard to bring you the best rally we can. Of course we will continue to follow the rules regarding social distancing and mask wearing and if you are sick or been exposed to the CoronaVirus to stay home. No matter, it’s going to be a great time for all.

          The 49er Rally is the BMW Motorcycle Club of Northern California’s annual Memorial Day Weekend rally, with 48 years of tradition that predates the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America’s (MOA) National Rally. (In fact, the first MOA Rally was held at our 2nd 49er Rally!) This is one of the West’s premier BMW Rallies!

          As always, Rally goers can expect 4 nights of grassy tent camping, optional RV camping with water and electrical hook-ups (limited spaces available), hot showers, cold drinks, great food, clinics, speakers, vendor displays depending on availability, prize giveaways, and the camaraderie of lot of fantastic people from all over! Attendees will also have great local riding opportunities including a Poker Run, a self guided Historical Ride, and self guided GS and road rides.

          We are still in the progress of finalizing optional GS adventure riding clinics with Black Swan Moto bringing their team to teach a GS clinic with a trail ride open to all. Further info will be posted on these training sessions shortly.

          If you are a vendor or speaker (or would like to be) and have questions about the 49er Rally, please click here to email Greg Hutchinson, the 49er Chair.

          Best regards,
          BMW Motorcycle Club of Northern California

        • #14124 Reply
          Willis Ho

            Thanks Jacob, just booked the 49er Rally. There are only 72 spots left, act quick if interested. Willis


          • #14130 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              Hi All,
              I just registered. Down to about 35 spots left.

            • #14132 Reply
              Willis Ho

                Hi All,

                The open spots is down to 7 now at 9:00pm, most likely it will be gone tonight.

                South coast attendees on the registration list:

                John C.
                Karl W. (2)
                Jacob F.
                Eric W.
                Rob T.
                Willis H.

              • #14133 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  And just like THAT, they are sold out of the 300 spots allocated for this years 49er Rally per thier site! Going to be great to get back to the 49er after it was cancelled last year, and a good warm up for the national rally in June! 🙂

                • #14145 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Just read on the No Cal BMW club site that they are taking “Waiting List” registrations, if they are able to open up to a larger number as the date gets closer and restrictions reduce. Just an FYI if you wanted to go but did not get registered yet.

                  • #14172 Reply
                    Willis Ho

                      Just check with the 49er Rally waiting list, there are 3 spots available now if anyone like to go!


                    • #14185 Reply
                      Bill Allen

                        Hi All,

                        The open spots is down to 7 now at 9:00pm, most likely it will be gone tonight.

                        South coast attendees on the registration list:

                        John C.
                        Karl W. (2)
                        Jacob F.
                        Eric W.
                        Rob T.
                        Willis H.

                        I got in. Not 100% sure I can make it, but that’s my goal.

                      • #14186 Reply
                        Eric Wolf

                          We sure hope so Bill!

                        • #14187 Reply
                          Bill Allen

                            We sure hope so Bill!

                            It’s 411 miles from home (avoiding “I” roads, of course. That’s as much as I’ve ridden this past year. I definitely need to work on my endurance. Got a month!

                          • #14188 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              Will Bill, if you are able to make it, your first bear is on me! That would be great if it works out!

                            • #14189 Reply
                              Bill Allen

                                Will Bill, if you are able to make it, your first bear is on me! That would be great if it works out!

                                Thanks, and the first margarita is on me!

                              • #14190 Reply
                                Eric Wolf

                                  “First bear on me…” 🙂 😛 :0

                                • #14192 Reply
                                  John Crittenden

                                    C’mon, Eric—I don’t think there are any panda bears near or in Yosemite—-or are there?

                                    T’would be great if you can make it, Bill!

                                  • #14325 Reply
                                    Jacob Furgatch

                                      Planning on going into Yosemite Park while at the 49er Rally? Guess what, if you haven’t got a day permit reservation you are out of luck! That is my situation. Just learned that a reservation is required and they are sold out! So no Yosemite on the 49er, and no Road to the Sun ride in Glacier for the MOA rally! F that!!!

                                    • #14328 Reply
                                      Bill Allen

                                        Planning on going into Yosemite Park while at the 49er Rally? Guess what, if you haven’t got a day permit reservation you are out of luck! That is my situation. Just learned that a reservation is required and they are sold out! So no Yosemite on the 49er, and no Road to the Sun ride in Glacier for the MOA rally! F that!!!

                                        Memorial weekend is not the best time to go to Yosemite. Traffic will be a crawl. Instead, I suggest you immerse yourself in the rally. There’s a poker run, GS rides, GS classes and a bunch of camaraderie.

                                      • #14332 Reply
                                        Karl Wagner

                                          Wise words above from Bill, there are poker runs for both street and off-road. Also, the riding along 49 Northward is epoch!

                                          Sharon and I are doing the route we tried two years ago up into the mountains above Bass Lake on Saturday. There is a good length of “dirt street” fyi for anyone interested in riding that day trip.

                                        • #14334 Reply
                                          Rob Tripp

                                            So ye all, What day are you all arriving in Mariposa? I may not arrive till Friday night. I need you to save me space for my sleeping pad.

                                            Karl, I’m very interested in your bass lake route. I got my GS1600 ready!

                                          • #14335 Reply
                                            Bill Allen

                                              I’m taking my time and arriving Friday afternoon.

                                              Looking forward to seeing you, Rob.

                                            • #14338 Reply
                                              Karl Wagner

                                                We will be arrivign Thursday afternoon, offroad class on Friday. If I am not broken Friday afternoon, we are interested in hitting the town for dinner!

                                                What is the prefered camping spot for the group. We REALLY liked the spot Eric chose two years ago, just past the show stables and entrance to the stadium, on the left. Good size grass area, table, and most of all… SHADE.. 🙂

                                                Anyway, let us know where the club is landing, will try and talk my shotgun rider into that if not in the shade.

                                              • #14339 Reply
                                                Eric Wolf

                                                  Thanks for asking Karl; was wondering about that.

                                                  I prefer the shady spot. The only drawback was that it wasn’t perfectly level like the football field. But, it was still workable, some flat spots, and the cool and table were bonuses!

                                                • #14340 Reply
                                                  John Crittenden

                                                    I don’t know how much shade we will need, but fine with me either way. I like the field myself—-lots of room to spread out.

                                                  • #14341 Reply
                                                    John Crittenden

                                                      I know there are more than one thread on this ride, but here is my proposed route to Mariposa. I’d like to leave from Panera Bread early, say by 7:30 a.m., as this route is 7 1/2 hours (with no stops) and 340 miles.

                                                      • #14344 Reply
                                                        Willis Ho

                                                          Great route plan, and looking forward for the campout at 49er Rally.

                                                          I plan to leave with Eric and Karl on Thursday, visit my uncle at Merced the next day. I will see you and the group on Friday.

                                                          Thanks, Willis

                                                        • #14347 Reply
                                                          Jacob Furgatch

                                                            John – that route looks good to me. I’ll see you Friday morning.

                                                        • #14349 Reply
                                                          Bill Reitz

                                                            I received a call from Dave Diaz, Irv Seaver General Manager, he will have the shop truck at the 49er Rally and offered to bring home anyone who might break down while there. Karl Wagner has his cell number and will be at the Rally also. I have the number but will be home but you can call me if Karl can’t be found. Just one more reason the South Coasters think Irv Seaver is the BEST dealer in SoCal !!

                                                          • #14350 Reply
                                                            John Crittenden

                                                              I believe it is just you and me, Jacob, for Friday departure. Please be at the gate at least an hour beforehand—security has been raised to a higher level.

                                                            • #14375 Reply
                                                              Willis Ho

                                                                Eric, Karl, Sharon and I arrived the Mariposa 49er campground, setup tens in the middle of grass field.

                                                              • #14378 Reply
                                                                Willis Ho

                                                                  Tents by the scoreboard

                                                                • #14389 Reply
                                                                  Willis Ho

                                                                    Just did two rides to Yosemite, the north entrance of hwy120 open to public without any entry ticket requirements!

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