4 April Ride

4 April Ride

Forums Rides 4 April Ride

  • Creator
  • #12189 Reply
    John Crittenden

      As the General Meeting and Ride were canceled due to current circumstances, I will be doing a ride Saturday, 4 April.   This is NOT a club-sponsored ride, to be clear.  If anyone would like to do about 200 miles plus, please meet me at Starbucks, 12488 Central Ave, Chino.   I plan to leave (KSU) by 10:30 a.m.      This will be a reverse of the Valley Ride we did several weeks ago.   We will maintain “social distancing” so no hugging or kissing, please.     Can plan on take out lunch at Carla’s Diner in Yucca Valley.


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    • Author
      • #12191 Reply
        John Crittenden

          And, probably home by about 5 or so! If anyone wants a gpx, let me know and I will put it up here.

        • #12194 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Just so Danny knows… will you be going to Pioneertown this time ?? 😉

          • #12196 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              You know everything is being canceled for good reasons. You shouldn’t be organizing group rides right now!

            • #12197 Reply
              John Crittenden

                Nothing wrong with getting out and about. and keeping the recommended distance!

                And, do plan on going through Pioneertown, though likely no stopping.

              • #12198 Reply
                Mark Borgeson

                  It’s against the CA “stay at home” order and federal guidelines. Only essential activities are permitted. Although unlikely, you can be cited.

                • #12199 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    You all should drive by a few hospitals on your ride with thier tents errected for virus testing and makesift bed locations in hotels and convention centers. Or by the 1000 bed Mercy Ship docked in LA Harbor. It may give you a better sense of why we have this stay at home order.
                    Either way, please, please do not get injured while riding selfishly. Our healthcare providers are already working 24-7 to save the lives of those that have this virus, with limited protecdtive equipment, ventilators and space to care.
                    We stay home, limit our exposure to others and thier exposure to us with how we clean things, NOT for ourselves, but for the healthcare caregives who are already over taxed, over exposed to the virus, as well as those that truely need the beds, the elderly abd those with pre-existing conditions.
                    Please thinks about you actions daily beyond your own comfort and pleasure. In the grand scheme of things, it is a very short time for us to deny ourselves for the sake of others.
                    Please don’t take this a judgment, these are facts people, just trying to flatten the curve of the impact on this thing and minimize the deaths especially of our heatlhcare workers. Thank you for considering you options.

                  • #12200 Reply
                    Chris Roady

                      I have to concur with Mark and Karl on this one. I feel the need for 2 wheels as much as any of us but can not in good conscience ignore the rules put in place to do our part in a world wide effort to stop the spread and destruction this pandemic is causing.

                    • #12203 Reply
                      David Eastly

                        I’m going to pass as well. To err on the side of caution makes too much sense.

                      • #12209 Reply
                        Danny Wassenaar

                          I’ll not be going out for a joy ride. Not much of a sacrifice if you ask me. I’d like to see Pioneertown someday but not in the face of this headwind.

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