Special Edition Election Newsletter

Special Edition Election Newsletter

Forums Club Business Special Edition Election Newsletter

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    • #5485 Reply
      Mark Borgeson

        Thanks for the special edition John. Funny seeing everyone with hair.

        I have a few nick names for some of the board members.
        Baby Face Borgeson
        Bad Ass Bill
        Slick Rick
        Crazy Karl


      • #5486 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Are you back Mark?

        • #5487 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            Mark, joining us for the 49er rally this weekend? Love to hear some stories.

            Nice trip you had there.
            Slick Rick

          • #5490 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              Hey Slick, I wish I could go. 30 days away from home I have a big to do list. #1 find a job 😉

            • #5491 Reply
              Mark Borgeson

                I”m back, at least physically, Karl

              • #5492 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  LOL, I bet!!!!! At least you are not back in an office day dreaming about the dream you had for the last thirty days!

                  Hope you can make the club meeting in June, would be great to hear about the trip.


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