SCBMWRC Christmas Party, Dec 9

SCBMWRC Christmas Party, Dec 9

Forums Calendar Events SCBMWRC Christmas Party, Dec 9

  • Creator
  • #6941 Reply
    John Crittenden

      If you are planning on attending the Christmas Party, I have added this event to the Ride List.   Please sign up on the Ride List.

      Rob and Kellie Tripp are hosting the party——Please let Rob and Kellie know what you would like to bring:   Dessert, appetizer, side dish.   Beth and I will be helping to coordinate.

      Exact time to be announced.

      See you there!

      Calendar Link

    Viewing 14 reply threads
    • Author
      • #6960 Reply
        Rob Tripp

          Party address is:
          1144 Beechwood Dr, Brea 92821

          Please email me or make comment on the forum of the appetizer, side dish or desert you will bring.

          [email protected]

          Ph. 323-697-0212

          Merry Christmas!

        • #6969 Reply
          Mark Borgeson

            Borgeson’s – Appetizer, Honey Glazed Shrimp.

          • #6971 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              The Reitz’ will bring a dessert.

            • #6977 Reply
              Mark Borgeson

                Prez… are we doing a gift exchange this year?

              • #6978 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  I am 90% certain we do Mark, nothing has been discussed to the contrary, but of course let’s hear from the honorable JC, as well as recommended dollar limit.

                • #6979 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    I “think” I read in the minutes John suggested a $20 gift if you wanted to participate. Either a couples gift or individually if you want to.

                  • #6980 Reply
                    John Crittenden

                      Sorry, just saw this——We actually didn’t discuss this, but in the range of $15-$20 for the gift would be good.

                    • #6999 Reply
                      Chris Roady

                        Sorry for the late reply Rob. Wasn’t certain if we could make it or not, but my wife Julie and I are looking forward to attending. Unless I hear otherwise from you, we will bring a side dish of Cream Corn Au Gratin.

                      • #7016 Reply
                        Paul Nelson

                          Paul and Gale will bring an appetizer.

                        • #7059 Reply
                          Ralf Tuchmann

                            Sorry John, Phyllis and I wont be able to make this years Christmas party. We miss the club and we wish everyone a Merry Christmas I would love to be there for the gift exchange just to keep an eye on Tom and Barb and make sure that the Hooper Rule is in force, if you don’t know it ask an old member. Also make sure Ed brings something besides oil Ha Ha. Hope that everyone has fun at the party. Ralf

                          • #7062 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              We will miss you two at the Party—-maybe next year! Merry Christmas!

                            • #7063 Reply
                              Bill Allen

                                Who’s bringing the chocolate?
                                Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it this year.
                                I hope everyone has a good time, a Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year!

                              • #7064 Reply
                                Bill Reitz

                                  Many thanks to Kellie, Rob, & Martha for hosting the Holiday Party last night. Karen & I had a great time sharing with our friends and Paul. 😉

                                • #7066 Reply
                                  Karl Wagner

                                    Ok, belated but no less gratefull….. Rob and Kellie thank you for opening your home for the club Christmas party, great hosts and even you pets were entertainment! Thanks you two!

                                  • #7068 Reply
                                    Chris Roady

                                      Hear Hear !! Loved the location too 👍🏻 Many thanks from Julie and I for a nice evening.

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