Pinnacles National Park, Sept 10-12

Pinnacles National Park, Sept 10-12

Forums Calendar Events Pinnacles National Park, Sept 10-12

  • Creator
  • #14624 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Here is the ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW… Call, email, or text with questions: Eric, 949 636-4769
      • Meet at Panera Bread in LaCanada at 8:00 am, Friday, Sept 10th.
      • Camping: Pinnacles Campground group site (holds 20 pax, 5 vehicles (more motos?))
      o Onsite camp store: hours 9 am – 5 pm
      o Swimming pool
      o Showers for a fee
      o Onsite tent cabins. Make your own reservations
      • Hotels: there are many hotels in King City, a 45 minute, 30 mile ride away. Make your own reservations.
      • Friday Route (more or less). A long day: 350 miles, ~ 9 hours)
      o We’ll jump on Angeles Forest Highway to Aliso Canyon Road then North to Lake Hughes.
      o From there, cut northwest to Gorman continuing over Hudson Ranch Road.
      o We’ll pick up Hwy 33 for a short distance linking up with Carrisa Highway and La Panza Road, taking us to 101 for just a short distance.
      o Jumping off in Bradley, we’ll conclude the trip on Indian Valley and Peach Tree Roads
      • Saturday route. 250 miles, 7 hours
      o From the campground, north on Highway 25 through San Juan Bautista cutting across to Highway 1.
      o Tracing the coast all the way up to San Gregorio where we will turn up the mountain for lunch at Alice’s Restaurant.
      o Then south on Skyline Blvd to Hwy 9 (one of my absolute favorite roads!), to Santa Cruz where we reverse the route up ending back at the campground.
      o Bonus: depending on time, it would be great to take the Big Basin Way loop. If you’ve never ridden this, well, you need to add it to your bucket!
      • Sunday Route ??? TBD.

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    • Author
      • #14629 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          A couple of other notes: 1) I’ll be collecting $20 per person for the campsite, 2) bring your own breakfast and lunch meals to eat at Pinnacles campground.
          The more or less gpx files are attached for Friday and Saturday.

        • #14632 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            Whoa – Onsite tent cabins? I didn’t know the park had those, where can we find out more about them?

          • #14633 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              You can reserve a tent cabin on
              Ron, please let us know if they still have sites left. Thanks

              • #14636 Reply
                Ron Zablocki

                  Hi Eric – I’m not going to be attending the ride, I was mainly curious what those tent cabins were like.

                  Oh, and it’s where the reservations are made.

              • #14634 Reply
                Pete Rissman

                  The Big Basin Way Loop has 2 road closures on it that will last until June 2022. This, according to Google Maps and the Caltrans Road Information website.

                  It looks like the China Grade Road bypasses the closures and the GS riders would probably appreciate it, but maybe not the RT riders. It is paved, but not in very good shape according to Street View.

                • #14635 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    Pete, thanks for the sleuthing.

                  • #14637 Reply
                    Warren Belkin

                      Hi Eric – I’m trying to open my schedule to go on this (not 100% yet but trying). Couple of quick questions if you know??
                      a. What do they have in the store? Do we need to bring all food or do they sell food?
                      b. Any shared cooking fire or bbq? Or each brings their own?
                      c. You mention showers have a fee – is it coin operated? (need to bring change)?
                      d. What are food needs? Will we stop for food on the way up (Friday) – or eat at the campsite? I assume need breakfast and dinner on Sat, and breakfast on Sun?


                    • #14638 Reply
                      Rob Tripp

                        Warren, the general store is bare bones. Don’t rely on it for much.

                      • #14639 Reply
                        Pete Rissman

                          Wood and charcoal fires are currently PROHIBITED. This includes BBQ grills and portable wood stoves. Propane stoves are allowed in the campground and picnic areas only.


                          I’ll be bringing my Jetboil MiniMo.

                        • #14640 Reply
                          Warren Belkin

                            Thanks Rob & Pete. I’d bring a jetboil as well. Any idea if there is potable water there or we need to bring some? Thx.

                          • #14641 Reply
                            Erasmo Brenes

                              Hi Warren,

                              The following link gives info about the campground

                              But yes, there is water at the camp and the showers are coin-operated.

                            • #14642 Reply
                              Pete Rissman

                                This, from the Pinnacles Campground Store about the showers:

                                Quarter operated, 50 cents for 3 minutes.

                                Quarters are available at the Campground Store, but bringing your own quarters is advised because they occasionally run out.

                                I forgot to ask whether the showers are warm or cold.

                              • #14643 Reply
                                Eric Wolf

                                  Thanks all for posting info. I’ve updated and am uploading the info sheet again.
                                  A few additions: cost per person = $20, lunch at Cider Creek Bakery in Paso.

                                • #14645 Reply
                                  Pete Rissman

                                    For those who are planning to stay in a motel rather than camp, Hollister might be a better choice than King City. The road-miles from the Pinnacles Campground to King City or Hollister is virtually the same, but the big difference is our Saturday route both going and coming goes right past Hollister.

                                    Here’s something else to consider: Hollister is the home town of Corbin Saddles and Corbin Saddles is home to the Wizzard’s Cafe which is open to the public. I stopped there in 2018 to have a new seat made for my Triumph Bonneville and I had breakfast in their cafe while I waited. The food is good and the walls are covered with all kinds of motorcycle-related memorabilia. Their showroom has some interesting eye candy in it too.

                                    They’re open Mon-Sat from 8:30-1:30 so this could be a good meet-up spot if anyone decides to stay in Hollister. For that matter, it could be a good breakfast stop on Saturday morning.

                                    I’ve attached a couple photos of the Wizzard’s Cafe below.

                                  • #14648 Reply
                                    Pete Rissman

                                      Question: on multi-day rides like the Pinnacles ride coming up, do the campers break camp each morning and take everything with them on the Saturday ride, or can the tents and sleeping bags stay behind?

                                    • #14649 Reply
                                      Eric Wolf

                                        No need to break camp. Just make sure no food is left out, everything is tied down securely, etc.

                                      • #14650 Reply
                                        Pete Rissman


                                          This evening the US Forestry Service announced that they are CLOSING ALL NATIONAL FORESTS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA effective at 11:59 PM on August 31st (tomorrow @ noon). This closure is expected to last until “the end of the day on September 17th.

                                          The Pinnacles campground is in the National Forest, so this probably means we don’t have a campground to go to (although I don’t know this for a fact).

                                          Oof! I wonder if there’s a private canpground in that general area we can get a reservation at? I’d be willing to spend more than $20 to make this trip happen.


                                        • #14651 Reply
                                          Pete Rissman

                                            It has come to my attention that the Pinnacles National Park is not in a National Forest, so the National Forest closure may not affect camping at Pinnacles.

                                            I tried calling the campground store but could only get voicemail.

                                          • #14652 Reply
                                            Pete Rissman

                                              For those of you who don’t do Facebook:

                                              It’s official: There’s a brand new recorded message when you call the Pinnacles National Park telephone number which states that the park and campground are open and not affected by the National Forest closures.

                                              My apologies for beating the drum unnecessarily. Sounds like we can proceed as planned.

                                            • #14655 Reply
                                              Warren Belkin

                                                Hi Eric – if there’s room , would love to attend. I’ll sign up on the ride list but I know I’m super late – so just let me know if out of camping space. Thx.

                                              • #14661 Reply
                                                Willis Ho

                                                  Visited the Pinnacles NP westside with Howard B., Henry S., and Ray S. On Tuesday, it getting 100°F during that day. Be hydraded!

                                                • #14676 Reply
                                                  Pete Rissman

                                                    At the risk of stealing Willis’s thunder (as resident weatherman), you’ll find the forecast for Pinnacles National Park for next Friday attached below. Saturday’s forecast is around 2° cooler and Sunday’s is 3° cooler than that. This is from the Dark Skies app which I have found to be as accurate as anything else I’ve used and I’ve long considered myself as a pretty good amateur meteorologist which goes hand-in-hand with being a long-time RC glider guider.

                                                    But bear in mind that any REAL meteorologist will tell you that trying to forecast weather more than a couple days out with any degree of accuracy is a fool’s game.

                                                    BTW, I’ve come up with an acceptable solution to the registration debacle I’m facing with my RT, so I will be joining the group for the ride after all. Yay!

                                                  • #14691 Reply
                                                    Sergio Collazo

                                                      It has been 30 years since I’ve slept in a tent I cant think of a better bunch to give it a try once again than this crew. Its official. I’m in and I have the receipts on all this overprice junk from REI to prove it.

                                                    • #14692 Reply
                                                      Pete Rissman

                                                        It has been 30 years since I’ve slept in a tent I cant think of a better bunch to give it a try once again than this crew. Its official. I’m in and I have the receipts on all this overprice junk from REI to prove it.

                                                        Wow, Sergio and my stories are almost identical. For me it’s been 31 years and there’s a little over $1000 invested in the drybag and contents below. Needless to say, it will be strapped to my RT, not the Camry. 😝

                                                        Looking forward to the ride.

                                                      • #14694 Reply
                                                        Eric Wolf

                                                          You guys are the best! But now I feel like the pressure is on me not to break any of you and to make sure this a “good” experience. 😁
                                                          You’ll do fine. Just go into it using my Marine Corps philosophy: expect it to be a test of your endurance and mostly a butt kicker, keep your eyes open to learn what you can, figure out what to change next time, enjoy the camaraderie, the BS, and let all of the annoyances slip away. 😁

                                                        • #14695 Reply
                                                          Eric Wolf

                                                            As well as posting here, I’ll get a group text and email going this week with final instructions. For one thing, I pre-rode the southern portion of my planned Friday route this past weekend and decided it’s too gloomy and alien; rocks and dirt and oil rigs and husks of derelict buildings. So I’m changing that. MTF…

                                                          • #14707 Reply
                                                            Carl Tung

                                                              Eric, can you please add me to the group text? I just got clearance to take Friday off work, so I will be going go Pinnacles! Super excited as this will be my first time on a SCBMWRC outing as a new member and also camping via motorcycle. Looking forward to learning more about motocamping from the experienced members.

                                                              949 923 8892

                                                            • #14708 Reply
                                                              Eric Wolf

                                                                First, I want to say WELCOME to all of the first-time campers. Excellent! You’ll have lots of support along the way and I look forward to sharing this adventure with you.

                                                                Here are some final instructions for the trip.

                                                                Routes: I’m attaching gpx files which more or less show our Friday and Saturday routes. The Friday route is changed from what I posted earlier. It was way too long so I shortened it.
                                                                Dinners: I was trying to arrange a cooked, shared meal for Fri and Sat nights but that fell through so please bring your dehydrated food for those nights.
                                                                Breakfast: Pete has recommended that we eat breakfast together at Corbin Seats’ Wizzard Cafe in Hollister on Saturday morning. Let’s plan on doing that but it will mean an earlier start.
                                                                Lunch: We’ll stop at the Cider Creek Bakery in Paso Robles for lunch on Friday. Saturday lunch will be at Alices Restaurant.
                                                                Camping: bring $20 to pay your portion of the campsite.
                                                                Weather: the campground will be mild: 50s/60s in the morning and highs of 86 in the afternoon. But, the ride up on Fri will be hot so bring your cooling vest.

                                                                If you have any questions please email, text or call, 949 636-4769.

                                                              • #14724 Reply
                                                                Brandon Wilson

                                                                  Great ride Eric – thank you for doing a great job! A lot of fun hanging with some great guys and gal 🙂

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