Pinnacles National Park, 3 day / 2 night camping trip

Pinnacles National Park, 3 day / 2 night camping trip

Forums Calendar Events Pinnacles National Park, 3 day / 2 night camping trip

  • Creator
  • #6006 Reply
    Mark Borgeson

      3 day / 2 night campout at Pinnacles National Park. More info to come soon.

    Viewing 63 reply threads
    • Author
      • #6021 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Nice, great time of year! Cool enough for campfire!

        • #6022 Reply
          Brandon Wilson

            Glad we are doing this again this year. Remember bed time is 7PM sharp haha.

          • #6024 Reply
            Chuck Waychoff

              Hey Mark, I can almost taste the Knob Creek! LOL!

            • #6025 Reply
              Mark Borgeson

                Chuck – It will be a trifecta. Steak Dinner, Campfire, and Knob Creek.

              • #6031 Reply
                Steve Hughson

                  Sounds like great fun. Trifecta, oh yes!

                • #6038 Reply
                  David Eastly

                    Knob Creek? Noooooooo!

                  • #6103 Reply
                    Jessie Vaca

                      I could not find any hotels closer than 20 some miles away. I currently have a reservation at a Hampton In in Salinas. Anyone want to share it with me?

                    • #6104 Reply

                        +1 for camping. Woodford Reserve Double Oaked bourbon In a flask.

                      • #6172 Reply
                        Mark Borgeson

                          Bikram – You have to bring enough bourbon to share.

                        • #6177 Reply
                          Nicholas Okoneski

                            Sounds like a great way to spend my birthday … and the Marine Corps’ birthday. Sign me up — camping for one!

                          • #6179 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              I believe that I will be there also! Shall we have a Saturday night potluck like last year? Freeze dried smorgasbord?

                            • #6181 Reply
                              Jacob Furgatch

                                I am planning on going.

                              • #6182 Reply
                                Mark Borgeson

                                  Looks like it’s gonna be a great turnout – 9 or 10 so far. I booked a group site which holds up to 20.
                                  The first night’s dinner is included in the $25 fee. Steak, BBQ beans, roasted corn on the cob. Oh yeah.
                                  Second nights dinner will be pot luck – good idea John.
                                  SemperFi Nicholas!!!

                                • #6186 Reply
                                  Troy Stone

                                    Troy and Michele plan on attending so that’s one more tent in the camping spot!

                                    Looking forward to it for sure.

                                  • #6780 Reply
                                    Rob Tripp

                                      Kellie and I will be going. Looks like a great time. Knob Creek next, medium steak will do.

                                    • #6781 Reply
                                      Rob Tripp

                                        That’s knob creek neat!

                                      • #6782 Reply
                                        Jacob Furgatch

                                          I was just looking at the park website and noticed that there was an “alert”. It says that due to the fire danger all wood and charcoal fires are prohibited throughout the park. Only propane stoves are allowed. Hopefully there will be enough rain before we go, but if not any fires or grilling will be off the list.

                                        • #6824 Reply
                                          Steve Hughson

                                            Please include me (Steve Hughson) for a campsite. Looking forward to a great adventure.

                                          • #6826 Reply
                                            Brandon Wilson

                                              Crossing fingers for reduced fire danger!

                                            • #6827 Reply
                                              Mark Borgeson

                                                Well shoot, I hope the fire danger is reduced by the time we arrive. I was planning on using the campground barbecues. I understand though.

                                              • #6828 Reply
                                                Troy Stone

                                                  I’ll bring borbon, you won’t need food.

                                                • #6829 Reply
                                                  Troy Stone

                                                    I can’t spell either.

                                                  • #6830 Reply
                                                    Troy Stone

                                                      BTW, are we in a group site? I’m packIng already. Looking forward to another great trip.

                                                    • #6831 Reply
                                                      Mark Borgeson

                                                        Hi all. We have one group site reserved which holds up to 20 people and 5 vehicles. I think we’ll be ok fitting multiple bikes into 5 parking spots and there is additional parking at the store if they’re strict (there was plenty of parking last year).

                                                        There are 17 of us so far. Pease let me know if someone else is coming that’s not on the list:
                                                        Cindy Borgeson
                                                        Mark Borgeson
                                                        John Crittenden
                                                        Dave Eastly
                                                        Jacob Furgatch
                                                        Roberto Giraldes
                                                        Steve Hughson
                                                        Bikram Mann
                                                        Nicholas Okoneski
                                                        Chris Roady
                                                        Troy Stone
                                                        Michele Stone
                                                        Kelly Trip
                                                        Rob Trip
                                                        Sharon Wagner
                                                        Karl Wagner
                                                        Brandon Wilson

                                                      • #6832 Reply
                                                        Brandon Wilson

                                                          What a difference from last year! From 4 to 40 – gotta love it. Looking forward to it!

                                                        • #6846 Reply
                                                          Roberto Giraldes

                                                            Is anyone willing to head up to Pinnacles on Wednesday or Thursday riding by PCH and staying in some places along the way?

                                                          • #6847 Reply
                                                            Steve Hughson

                                                              What a great group. This is going to be super fun!!!!!

                                                            • #6848 Reply
                                                              Karl Wagner

                                                                I am certainly “willing” Roberto, but this WORK thing keeps getting in the way!!!

                                                                Wish I could join you, there is so much to see!!!


                                                              • #6849 Reply
                                                                Karl Wagner

                                                                  18! Add Nicole Eastly!!!

                                                                • #6854 Reply
                                                                  Roberto Giraldes

                                                                    Thanks Karl! Any suggestion about places to stay?

                                                                  • #6855 Reply
                                                                    Jacob Furgatch

                                                                      Roberto – I may be interested in joining you. My son invited me to do something with him Saturday night so if I go I will want to come back on Saturday. I would rather not just go up on Friday and turnaround the next day to come home. Let me see if a Thursday departure would work.

                                                                    • #6856 Reply
                                                                      Roberto Giraldes

                                                                        Hi Jacob! That would be great! I intend to go on Wednesday and if you want to leave on Thursday we can meet somewhere.

                                                                      • #6857 Reply
                                                                        David Eastly

                                                                          Wow, what a great turnout! I think I have two other friends joining us, at least for Friday night. I’ll confirm tomorrow.

                                                                        • #6858 Reply
                                                                          Mark Borgeson


                                                                            Still at 17. We lost a few and picked up a few.
                                                                            Pease let me know if someone else is coming that’s not on the list:

                                                                            Borgeson’s (2)
                                                                            John Crittenden
                                                                            Eastly’s + 1 (3)
                                                                            Jacob Furgatch
                                                                            Roberto Giraldes
                                                                            Steve Hughson
                                                                            Bikram Mann
                                                                            Nicholas Okoneski
                                                                            Chris Roady
                                                                            Stone’s (2)
                                                                            Wagner’s (2)
                                                                            Brandon Wilson

                                                                          • #6859 Reply

                                                                              Hello Mark

                                                                              Tony and Vivian Nguyen here, we are joining the South Coasters but will stay in hotel in Salinas.

                                                                              Thank you

                                                                            • #6860 Reply
                                                                              Mark Borgeson

                                                                                Tony – You probably know this but Salinas is 45m NW of Pinnacles. There are 2 entrances to Pinnacles; One from the East and one from the West and they don’t connect. The campgrounds are on the East side of the park.

                                                                                Will you be joining us for dinner on Friday?

                                                                              • #6861 Reply
                                                                                Mark Borgeson

                                                                                  Tony – You probably know this but Salinas is 45m NW of the Pinnacles campgrounds. There are 2 entrances to Pinnacles; One from the East and one from the West and they don’t connect. The campgrounds are on the East side of the park.

                                                                                  Will you be joining us for dinner on Friday?

                                                                                • #6862 Reply


                                                                                    Most likely we will ride up and have dinner with everyones before heading into Salinas, please PM, text, or call me.

                                                                                    Thank you

                                                                                    Tony & Vivian Nguyen

                                                                                  • #6863 Reply
                                                                                    Mark Borgeson

                                                                                      Lots of info. Please read. (Sorry for the website text formatting.)

                                                                                      Please attend the November club meeting for up-to-date details.

                                                                                      GPX and PDF files are attached.

                                                                                      We have 17 campers and 3 others staying in nearby hotels. The camp fee is $5/night per person. Friday dinner and Sunday breakfast are included for an optional $15/person. Please let me know if you’re having dinner and what option you’d like. Just know there are no restaurants within 30 miles of the campground. There is a pretty good campsite store with some food and supplies. As of now there are no campfires or BBQ’s allowed in the campground – Bummer! This is a campout. Bring your own plates, utensils, etc.

                                                                                      Here’s the itinerary:

                                                                                      KSU, 8:15 am from Panera Bread, La Canada.

                                                                                      Friday lunch: Fast food in Taft. Everyone is on their own. It’s a major undertaking to feed 20 people in a restaurant so please stick to fast food.

                                                                                      Friday Dinner: Extraordinary campsite dinner brought to you by Chef Borgeson’s. Choose one of the following:
                                                                                      Pan fried ribeye steak in butter and olive oil with Monterey seasoning, corn on the cob and BBQ beans.
                                                                                      or Pan fried salmon filet in butter and olive oil, rice and green beans.
                                                                                      Bring a bottle of your favorite wine or beverage to share.

                                                                                      Saturday Breakfast: 30m ride to Flap Jacks,

                                                                                      Saturday options: Explore Pinnacles NP. Day hikes in Pinnacles or a day ride to Hollister or both.

                                                                                      Saturday Lunch: on your own

                                                                                      Saturday Dinner: Pot luck. Bring something to share. Last year we all brought dehydrated backpacking dinners. As terrible as that sounds they were really tasty. Bring whatever tickles your taste buds. Don’t forget the wine.

                                                                                      Sunday Breakfast: Fried or scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, and OJ. Eat up and get ready to ride home.

                                                                                      Sunday Lunch: Fast food in Avenal.

                                                                                      PS, we are driving a van if anyone needs us to bring anything.

                                                                                    • #6868 Reply
                                                                                      Troy Stone

                                                                                        Stones. 1 ribeye, 1 salmon. Is this for real? We were planning on a weekend of cheese its n bear.. Or wine😀

                                                                                      • #6869 Reply
                                                                                        Karl Wagner

                                                                                          Nice Route Mark B! We will have our son and daughter in law visiting Saturday, we will have four dinners if we can get two guest orders? We understand if not able. Let us know.

                                                                                        • #6870 Reply
                                                                                          Mark Borgeson

                                                                                            Karl – Thanks. It’s the same routes we took last year. I think you’ll like ’em.
                                                                                            Sure, invite your “kids”. Saturday dinner is pot luck though.

                                                                                          • #6871 Reply
                                                                                            Karl Wagner

                                                                                              My mistake Mark, the kids will be there Sat night. Will bring food for them.

                                                                                              For Sharon and I Friday night, we will have one Steak and one Salmon, thank you!


                                                                                            • #6872 Reply

                                                                                                Good morning Mark

                                                                                                Sorry to bother you again, Tony and Vivian here, could we get 1 steak and 1 salmon. I will be at Bravo’s Burger this Sunday, October 29th at 8:00 A.M. Join us if you can.

                                                                                                Tony & Vivian Nguyen

                                                                                              • #6873 Reply
                                                                                                Richard Catarineau

                                                                                                  Rick & Lisa are last-minute campers (and Friday night foodies, of course.)
                                                                                                  Sounds like a fun weekend!

                                                                                                • #6874 Reply
                                                                                                  John Crittenden

                                                                                                    Actually, the routes are somewhat reversed and slightly altered from last year. At least one new road, but all should be good (we’ll forget about the 5 to and from Frazier Park!). Ain’t a lot of options for a reasonable route, as evening will fall about 5 p.m. and I personally would like to be set up before darkness occurs!

                                                                                                  • #6875 Reply
                                                                                                    Nicholas Okoneski

                                                                                                      I am still solo for the trip. Put me down for the Friday dinner (ribeye) and the Sunday breakfast. I’m also bringing a bottle of Angels Envy.

                                                                                                    • #6898 Reply
                                                                                                      Rob Tripp

                                                                                                        Kellie and I will not be attending this ride. Hope you all have a great time!!!

                                                                                                      • #6900 Reply
                                                                                                        Mark Borgeson

                                                                                                          Here’s the latest. We have 19 campers (21 on Saturday) and 3 folks staying in hotels.

                                                                                                        • #6936 Reply
                                                                                                          Mark Borgeson

                                                                                                            We are staying in group site 132:Campground Map Link
                                                                                                            The site has a limit of 20 people. We’re maxed out. If you haven’t signed up already you’ll need to make other camping arrangements.

                                                                                                          • #6945 Reply
                                                                                                            John Crittenden

                                                                                                              For those who are riding with the group from Panera Bread in La Canada, departure will be at 7 a.m., in the morning. At least the sun will be up by then. That should put us at the campground by 3-3:30.

                                                                                                            • #6946 Reply
                                                                                                              Brandon Wilson


                                                                                                                Since for day two I don’t think I will be hiking or exploring the park this year on Saturday, I decided to work up a route to Monterey via Hollister if anyone is interested in taking that route with me. GPX and PDF attached. This loop looks to be about 190 miles round trip.

                                                                                                              • #6953 Reply
                                                                                                                Jessie Vaca

                                                                                                                  Brandon, since I am not the hiking kind, I can join you on your quest to Monterrey

                                                                                                                • #6954 Reply
                                                                                                                  Jessie Vaca

                                                                                                                    Still looking for a roommate if anyone is interested
                                                                                                                    Jessie Vaca

                                                                                                                  • #6958 Reply
                                                                                                                    John Crittenden

                                                                                                                      We had one request for the printed route to Pinnacles, and here it is.

                                                                                                                    • #6961 Reply
                                                                                                                      John Crittenden

                                                                                                                        Once more, departure, aka KSU, will be at 7 a.m. from Panera Bread Friday morning!

                                                                                                                      • #6962 Reply
                                                                                                                        Troy Stone

                                                                                                                          The Stones are leaving LB at 5:00 AM and planning to have lunch at the Parkfield Cafe. Any GS riders who wish to join let me know. The 5 miles of dirt looks like fun. 😊. See Everyone at the park.

                                                                                                                        • #6963 Reply
                                                                                                                          Steven Bennett

                                                                                                                            Anyone leaving Saturday morning???

                                                                                                                          • #6965 Reply
                                                                                                                            Mark Borgeson

                                                                                                                              Steve – I haven’t heard of anyone going up on Saturday.

                                                                                                                            • #6966 Reply
                                                                                                                              David Eastly

                                                                                                                                Nicole and I are going to meet up with the group at the Frazier Park Chevron.

                                                                                                                              • #6967 Reply
                                                                                                                                Steven Bennett

                                                                                                                                  OK so I am officially going. I didn’t have enough prep to go camping, but was able to book a room in king city. I plan on leaving with the herd from panera bread, if not, later in the day…

                                                                                                                                • #6972 Reply
                                                                                                                                  Nicholas Okoneski

                                                                                                                                    I had an awesome time on the trip. Thanks to Mark and Cindy for making it a five star experience!

                                                                                                                                  • #6973 Reply
                                                                                                                                    John Crittenden

                                                                                                                                      Mark and Cindy, you spoiled us! I had a great time, good riding and friends. Next time we get a (real) campfire and a bit warmer weather!

                                                                                                                                      Thanks to all!

                                                                                                                                    • #6974 Reply
                                                                                                                                      Mark Borgeson

                                                                                                                                        I’m glad everyone had a good time. I think Larry enjoyed it the most 🙂

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