Past Presidents Breakfast—–Flabob Airport Cafe 2/22/20

Past Presidents Breakfast—–Flabob Airport Cafe 2/22/20

Forums Calendar Events Past Presidents Breakfast—–Flabob Airport Cafe 2/22/20

  • Creator
  • #11783 Reply
    John Crittenden

      (I am helping out Chris). Please note the new location for this Breakfast—the Flabob Airport Cafe.    All are invited, including Past Presidents.

      The breakfast will be followed by a Valley Ride, led by John C.  This ride will take in 10 local valleys, about 215 miles, and not counting stops/gas/breaks, about 4 1/2 hours.     On the return, we will stop in Oak Glen for ice cream or whatever makes you happy!   

      KSU at 10:45 a.m. from Flabob Airport.    Should be back to Riverside by 4 p.m.

      Link to Event/Calendar Past Presidents Breakfast

    Viewing 16 reply threads
    • Author
      • #11792 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Appreciate the help John !

        • #11800 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Will there be a GPX file ? If you need help give me your route and I’ll set it up.

          • #11801 Reply
            Gilbert Galvez

              Hi, I will be joining this ride.

            • #11802 Reply
              Bill Allen

                Posted in the Calendar Events forum, and linking it to the Calendar.

                Most impressive, John!

              • #11803 Reply
                Bill Reitz

                  I will be coming.

                • #11808 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Due to popular demand…….

                  • #11811 Reply
                    Bill Allen

                      Excellent job, John. Love the PDF map.

                    • #11814 Reply
                      Bill Schimko

                        God willin, and the tide don’t rise, i’ll be there.

                      • #11833 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Sorry John,

                          We will not be able to make the breakfast this year, Many Thanks to all the Past Presidents!

                          We will be at a benefit ride out in the desert, bringing our GS’s to ride the “Dirt Street” type trails Sharon likes!


                        • #11840 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            Thanks, Karl and Sharon, we’ll miss you. But this is Chris’ event, I’m just ensuring I get a breakfast.

                          • #11841 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              Good priorities John, South Coaster priorities! ๐Ÿ™‚
                              Thanks for the heads up,

                            • #11842 Reply
                              Chris Roady

                                Generous of you John, but you have been the backbone of this ride and have my sincere appreciation.

                              • #11849 Reply
                                Chris Roady

                                  All systems go for Saturday .. could be some wet, but John tells me a little rain can’t keep past presidents from a free breakfast. Who am I to challenge a distinguished past President like Mr. Crittenden sooo … see y’all there!!

                                • #11853 Reply
                                  Bill Reitz

                                    Hey John, thanks for planing and leading an adventurous ride around the mountains. Literally AROUND the mountains. Didn’t feel any moisture until…. BUT did you know Apple Annie’s has heated toilet seats ?

                                  • #11860 Reply

                                      Oh. I thought previous gal had a hot butt.

                                      j/k. Yes I did notice, first time for customer.

                                    • #11861 Reply
                                      John Crittenden

                                        Heated toilet seats and a six-shooter on the waitress’ belt—-what more could you ask for?

                                      • #11863 Reply
                                        Bill Reitz

                                          What more ??? How about a LARGER slice of MILE HIGH PIE !!!!

                                      Viewing 16 reply threads
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