Los Osos MOA Weekend Away: May 14 – 16

Los Osos MOA Weekend Away: May 14 – 16

Forums Calendar Events Los Osos MOA Weekend Away: May 14 – 16

  • Creator
  • #13879 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      The Los Osos MOA Weekend Getaway, situated on the Pacific Coast of San Luis Obispo (SLO) County near the southern end of the famous Morro Bay, is quickly becoming a South Coaster standard. The event runs Friday, May 14th, through Sunday, May 16th, and is held again this year at the Sea Pines Resort. MOA provides a dinner on Friday and Saturday nights, with over $500 in door prizes on Sat. The number of attendees is small so you are likely to win something.

      It was great fun last year and we had a good turnout. Again, I’ll lead a group up on Friday and find some fun roads for Saturday. Register for the event with MOA; cost is $99. Contact the hotel directly for room reservations. If MOA says that it is sold out, that just means that the hotel is booked up. You can still attend but will have to find alternative lodging.

      Give me a call if you have questions, 949 636-4769.

    Viewing 22 reply threads
    • Author
      • #13880 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          Hey Eric – Let me know if you need any assistance with GPX route files!

        • #13882 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            Lorna and I just reserved a room at the Sea Pines Resort hotel, we got the last one at the $141/night rate. This should be a fun weekend!

          • #13883 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              Eric – I just noticed this event isn’t on the Club Calendar?

            • #13889 Reply
              Bill Allen

                Ron – You must be looking at the wrong calendar. It’s there!

              • #13890 Reply
                Ron Zablocki

                  My bad – not sure what I was looking at.

                • #13891 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    Ron, I’m so glad that you and Lorna will be there. The ride list was just updated to include Los Osos (thanks Brandon). Please add your names.

                  • #13892 Reply
                    Eric Wolf

                      Hi Everyone,
                      Los Osos is on the ride list. Please add your names so that I know how many are going. Thanks

                      • #13894 Reply
                        Willis Ho


                          Any plan for camping? Morro Bay State Park is about 10 min away!

                          • #13895 Reply
                            Ron Zablocki

                              Hey Willis – I’m sure you can stay wherever you like, though you’ll probably need to make your own arrangements.

                            • #13896 Reply
                              Erasmo Brenes


                                There is a campground on Montana de Oro which is closer to Los Osos.

                          • #13897 Reply
                            Eric Wolf

                              Sorry Willis, no camping planned but I encourage everyone who is interested to contact and coordinate with Willis.

                            • #13898 Reply
                              Eric Wolf

                                Thanks for the tip on Montana de Oro.

                              • #13901 Reply
                                Bill Allen

                                  I wouldn’t mind camping at Morro Bay SP providing I can ride by then. I’ll be pissed if I can’t.That’s two months.

                                • #13902 Reply
                                  Bill Allen

                                    Ron – Sooooo…if a camping event doesn’t provide a suitable motel option, it’s an outrage, but if a motel event doesn’t provide a camping option, you are on your own? I get it.

                                    I just checked availability. The closest campground that has available space is San Simeon State Park. It’s 29 miles (or 35 minutes) from the event.

                                    Let me know if anyone wants me to book a campsite.

                                  • #13904 Reply
                                    Eric Wolf

                                      Bill, Ron,
                                      I accept responsibility for not ensuring that there are hotel AND camping options available and will fix that in the future. In any case, I hope that you talk face-to-face and put this disagreement/slight behind you. Let’s keep the ride threads free of personal issues. Thanks

                                    • #13910 Reply
                                      John Crittenden

                                        Please, let’s keep stuff (that used to be above) off the Forum, and stick to the topic.

                                        In my opinion, the ride leader does not have to provide an alternate camping or motel option, but can, as a courtesy. There’s already enough work involved.

                                      • #13911 Reply
                                        Mark Borgeson

                                          Bill and Ron are both my friends. I like them both a lot!
                                          I hated organizing rides when I was on the board. I was terrible at it and you certainly can’t please all the people all the time ATPATT 🙂

                                        • #13913 Reply
                                          Eric Wolf

                                            Weather for next weekend looks great! Highs around 80s, lows at 50. They are getting a little rain this week so, fingers crossed, the wildflowers will pop.
                                            If you have not signed up, do it now. I need to confirm the number of sites by early next week. Thanks

                                          • #13929 Reply
                                            Willis Ho

                                              Just checked with the Sea Pines Resort, they sold out the room on Friday, May 14, 2 rooms on Saturday still available. Please let me know if someone like to share the room.

                                              Thanks, Willis 714.767.7960

                                            • #13949 Reply
                                              howard Bland

                                                Willis, thanks and I will stay at the house as no rooms at the inn. Thanks Howard Bland

                                              • #13950 Reply
                                                Willis Ho

                                                  Hi Howard, The house is booked, still got a loft available, let me know if any one is interested.

                                                  Willis 714.767.7960

                                                • #13956 Reply
                                                  Ray Santos

                                                    Hi Willis,
                                                    Im interested to go on this trip. Is the loft still available ?
                                                    Ray Santos
                                                    949 250-7814

                                                  • #14067 Reply
                                                    Eric Wolf

                                                      Hi South Coasters! Everyone who is going to Los Osos, please sign up on the ride list. Ray S, are you going? Others? Bill P?
                                                      This is a great event in a beautiful location.

                                                    • #14076 Reply
                                                      Ray Santos

                                                        Hi Eric yes i’m interested but might have to look for alternative place to stay.

                                                      • #14106 Reply
                                                        Eric Wolf

                                                          Thanks for the update Ray. I hope you can make it!

                                                        • #14161 Reply
                                                          Willis Ho
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