January Ride

January Ride

Forums Calendar Events January Ride

  • Creator
  • #11528 Reply
    Larry Troffer

      The January overnight trip on 18, 19 and 20 January will be along the Central Coast rather than Route 66 as originally planned. On day 1, we’ll ride to Monterey, on day 2 ride from Monterey to Alice’s Restaurant in Woodside for breakfast then down the Pacific Coast Highway to Morro Bay, and return home on day 3 along CA 166 and 33 through Ojai – weather and road conditions permitting. This will be fairly ambitious ride of some 300 miles and some six hours on the bike each day. Breaks and meals will stretch the schedule out, so I’m planning an early(-ish) departure each day with the intent of reaching our destinations before dark.

      Saturday 18 January – meet at Spaghettini at 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy, Seal Beach, CA 90740. Depart at 8:00 a.m. Arrive Monterey approximately 5:00 p.m. I will stay at Quality Inn at 2075 N Fremont St, Monterey, CA 93940, phone 831-373-5551. The rate is about $104 plus tax and fees. There are both more- and less expensive choices within a short walk.

      Sunday 19 January – depart Monterey at 8:00 a.m. Arrive Alice’s Restaurant approximately 10:00 a.m. Breakfast. Depart restaurant approximately 11:00 a.m, ride La Honda Road to coast highway, then south on PCH to Morro Bay. Arrive approximately 5:00 p.m. I will stay at the Bay View Inn at 225 Harbor Street, Morro Bay 93442, phone 805-772-2771. The rate was about $70 plus tax and fees. There are other nearby options for lodging if desired.

      Monday, 20 January – Breakfast on your own. Depart 9:00 a.m. Arrive Orange County around 5:00 p.m.

      The attached GPX file contains three routes, one for each day.

    Viewing 15 reply threads
    • Author
      • #11531 Reply
        Larry Troffer

          If you plan to go on this ride, please reply on this thread and on the Ride List. I don’t use facebook, so I won’t see any responses posted there.

        • #11536 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Sounds perfect Larry, thanks very much for stepping up on short notice and pulling this all together.

            I am in and have made reservations at the locations you listed. I clearly didn’t have the Troffer charm over the phone, as I had to needle both places to get close to the rates you got though.

            All those going please update the ride list also so Larry can get a handle on how many on the ride for planning purposes 😉

          • #11537 Reply
            Steve Leo

              Looking forward to a great ride. I will be going but Jan will not be able to make it. Hint on making your reservation….do not call the hotel and book your room. Go to Hotels.com or one of the other hotel booking sites. The rates are less. I just reserved the Bay View in for $58.00 plus taxes – $72.96 total.

            • #11538 Reply
              Joe Alwan

                Looking forward to this ride! I booked the hotels.

                FYI… ride list still says “Rt 66 Ride”, but I added my name to it anyway

              • #11545 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  I’m in also. Thanks Larry, looks great!

                • #11546 Reply
                  Erasmo Brenes

                    I’m in as well. I’m booked at those hotels.
                    Looking forward to the trip.

                  • #11547 Reply
                    Jessie Vaca

                      Hotel rooms booked ready to ride

                    • #11549 Reply
                      Ray Santos

                        I’m in and booked as well on same hotels.
                        Thank you Larry and looking forward for a great ride with the club.

                      • #11563 Reply
                        Brandon Wilson

                          Larry –

                          Thanks for picking up this ride from Ron, and I am in, also signed up on the ride list. Chris and I are sharing accommodations.

                          Merry Christmas!

                        • #11676 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            If you all will let me, I’ve worked out that I can go also. Sounds like a great ride, and never been to A.R.!

                          • #11678 Reply

                              Thank you for posting I had a hard time to find the post to make sure where to meet, you are the man, save my day and will see you there. rooms are booked at both places.

                            • #11686 Reply
                              Larry Troffer

                                We have 14 riders signed up. The weather-guessers are predicting fair conditions, and Caltrans reports that roads along the planned route are open. I made dinner reservations for our group at convenient locations in Monterey and Morro Bay – 7:00 p.m. each night. I intend to depart Spaghettini promptly at 8:00 a.m. Saturday. Please meet there no later than 7:45; earlier is better.

                              • #11688 Reply
                                Karl Wagner

                                  Have a blast this weekend you all, wish we were riding with you on this one!!!

                                • #11699 Reply
                                  Steve Leo

                                    A big round of applause for Larry Troffer for a superb ride up the California Coast this past weekend. One of the best (and coldest) rides I have been on. Great route, great meals and a great group of riders.

                                  • #11705 Reply
                                    Joe Alwan

                                      Great weekend! Thanks Larry!

                                    • #11707 Reply
                                      David Eastly

                                        What a fantastic trip! Thanks Larry!!

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