General Meeting

General Meeting

Forums Calendar Events General Meeting

  • Creator
  • #3734 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Saturday, 1 October, 10:30 a.m. Irv Seavers.

      And, the Board Members are looking at having Breakfast at 8 a.m. at Katella Grill.   All members are welcome!

    Viewing 15 reply threads
    • Author
      • #3748 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Hey John, did you forget to add October 1 to the post ?? we don’t want to confuse anyone any more.

        • #3749 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Well, it’ on the Calendar, but never hurts to overdo it!

          • #3751 Reply
            Dale Sprosty

              I won’t be able to make this board meeting. Will be on a Fort Bragg ride that weekend. I will forward the ride info for the Kernville ride (Oct. 14th, 15th, & 16th) for the board meeting and to be shared at the general meeting that looks to be scheduled for later that same morning.

            • #3753 Reply

                When is Fort Bragg ride?

              • #3754 Reply
                Tom Hooper

                  Bickram if you don’t know you were probably not invited…

                • #3755 Reply
                  Dale Sprosty

                    Just taking a couple of days off and running up through that area. Couldn’t make this weekend’s ride so thought I would do some exploring. Not a club event so not on calendar.

                  • #3756 Reply

                      Generally Ralf does this privately. Cool Dale, that is a fun ride. Enjoy!

                    • #3760 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        John, regrets but I have a conflict Saturday morning for the BOD and Gen Mtg.

                        • #3761 Reply
                          Mark Borgeson

                            I have an idea. Lets change the meeting to Sunday!

                        • #3811 Reply
                          Karl Wagner

                            Sunday at Hell’s Kitchen???????

                          • #3813 Reply
                            David Omlor

                              I like that suggestion…then Bill can lead a ride out to Bates Nut Farm or some other exotic location for an afternoon ride! What say yee Bill? Or Wynoma (sp) Pizza for lunch? Julian for Pie (with ice cream!)…lots of choices…

                            • #3832 Reply
                              Bill Reitz

                                The meeting would have to be 9am or later, the BOSS needs her sleep. Wynola Pizza AND Julian pie with ice cream sounds good, although Bates Nut Farm fits right in with this group.

                              • #3833 Reply
                                Dale Sprosty

                                  Let me know if you plan/settle on having it at Hells Kitchen. I will be up there on Sunday and will have Melissa reserve the back room for you guys.

                                • #3840 Reply
                                  Dale Sprosty

                                    So am I securing the backroom at HK for this months meeting or not?

                                    • #3841 Reply
                                      Mark Borgeson

                                        What do you mean by “secure the backroom”?

                                        The NAVY would turn out the lights and lock the doors.
                                        The ARMY would surround the building with defensive fortifications, tanks and concertina wire.
                                        The MARINE CORPS would assault the building, using overlapping fields of fire from all appropriate points on the perimeter.
                                        The AIR FORCE would take out a three-year lease with an option to buy the building.

                                    • #3842 Reply
                                      John Crittenden

                                        What does Karl say on this? I only see four repeats of his post!
                                        I am not able to do Sunday. It’s Beth’s BDay day, and we’re going to L.A.
                                        I would like to keep Saturday the Board and General meets. If Karl cannot make it, as well as Dale, we can take Minute notes.
                                        Karl, do we have Minutes from last meeting? Or wasn’t there one?
                                        And, Dale, any update/news/etc on Membership?

                                        But, the Sunday ride can still be done, you know!

                                      • #3843 Reply
                                        Dale Sprosty

                                          We have added on additional member since our last meeting. His name is Steve Hughson and I have already delivered his name tag to him. Should be at the next General Meeting. I did not reserve the HK backroom for next week so there is nothing that needs to be cancelled. I was having some issues in being notified from the website when an inquiry comes into “membership”. I think I have that resolved (with some help from Rick C). I will also post an update on the Kernville Ride (with maps) in the next week or so. Have the route up and 2nd day ride complete. Working on the return route now. Hope this helps.

                                        • #3844 Reply
                                          Karl Wagner

                                            Not sure what the website gremlins are doing posting my last response so many times….

                                            The minutes from July are posted.

                                            Sorry I can’t make it boys,


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