Central Coast 20 – 23 April

Central Coast 20 – 23 April

Forums Calendar Events Central Coast 20 – 23 April

  • Creator
  • #18785 Reply
    John Crittenden

      This is an optional 4 day ride.   At this time, I have three sites reserved for three nights (Thursday, 4/20–4/23, and one site for two nights (Friday and Saturday).    I can expand that if needed, but don’t want to wait too long.

      Please register here: https://scbmwrc.com/event/4-day-central-coast-camping/

      We will be camping at El Chorro County Park outside of San Luis Obispo.   After speaking with the Ranger, we will only be allowed three tents per site.  And have to pay extra for the third bike at each site (when we arrive, I might be able to convince them otherwise).   It looks like it will be about $20/night for each camper/tent.   That will include firewood, a fire, heat, entertainment, and snacks.

      I checked on motels/hotels for those not wishing to camp.  Prices range from $80 up per night.   Should be no problem finding lodging, and that will be up to individuals.   Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, SLO, many choices near the campsite.

      As noted above, currently we have space for 9 campers Thursday through Sunday, and 3 more campers Friday through Sunday.   There are sites still available but don’t know how long that might last, so please sign up ASAP, and if needed, can get more campsites.    Also, let me know if you are intending to do three nights or two nights.

      Going up Thursday, setting up camp, etc.  Friday, ride to Big Sur at least along PCH, return either PCH or another TBD route.  Saturday, more riding in the area (I have a friend who lives in the area, and will likely ride with us and maybe show us some good roads).  Sunday, return home.  As we get closer, I’ll have routes available, etc.   And, possibly a group dinner Friday night?  Like I said, more details will follow in the coming weeks.

      Again, please let me know as soon as you can!   Thanks!

      Please register here: https://scbmwrc.com/event/4-day-central-coast-camping/

      (The North Rim/Utah ride was originally scheduled for these dates, but had to be postponed.)

    Viewing 49 reply threads
    • Author
      • #18786 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          John – Is there an address for the campground so I can look for hotels around there?  Maps couldn’t find me anything for “El Chorro County Park”.

        • #18787 Reply
          Steve Leo

            It is 5.6 miles west of the 101 on Hwy 1 between San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay. It is about 2 miles closer to SLO than to Morrow Bay. North side of Hwy 1.

          • #18790 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              A nearby address would help immensely.

            • #18802 Reply
              Steve Leo
                State Highway 1 @, Dairy Creek Rd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

                This is the only address shown anywhere that I could find
              • #18803 Reply
                Ron Zablocki
                  State Highway 1 @, Dairy Creek Rd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

                  This is the only address shown anywhere that I could find
                  Is this the campground address, or where the campground is located?
                • #18804 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    The address of the campground is noted on the Calendar page—-1 Dairy Creek Road, SLO.

                  • #18824 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      All signed up, two bikes, one tent. Will be up a day or two early, so got out own site a bit more back in the tree loops. See you all up there!! Thank you for organizing John. 🙂

                    • #18825 Reply
                      Ron Zablocki

                        Is anyone attending this and getting a hotel vs camping?

                        • #18961 Reply
                          Joe Reyes

                            Hey Ron. Do you know what hotel you’ll be staying at?

                        • #18962 Reply
                          Ron Zablocki

                            Hey Ron. Do you know what hotel you’ll be staying at?

                            Hi Joe – I was only going to attend if at least one other was hoteling, so I haven’t done any hotel checking/pricing as yet.  Have you done any?
                          • #18963 Reply
                            Ron Zablocki

                              So for the April dates of 20-23, I found the cheapest hotel through Hotels.com at $88/night for 3 nights, and is 5 miles from the campground at 1 Dairy Rd.

                            • #19043 Reply
                              John Crittenden

                                As of today (3/4), we have 7 campers for 3 nights and 1 for 2 nights at the Club sites.  They are:

                                John C.



                                Brandon Key

                                Ed Taylor

                                Ric M.

                                Pete R.

                                Ryan G (2 nights)

                                If I missed you or have this incorrect, please let me know (email is fine– [email protected] )

                                If you want to attend this ride and camp, info me ASAP, as we are almost full up with the reserved sites.   I should be able to get more if needed.

                                Thanks, and looking forward to this long weekend!

                              • #19148 Reply
                                Daniel Parks

                                  Please put me down for 3 nights if space is still available.





                                • #19149 Reply
                                  John Crittenden

                                    Great, Dan!  You are officially registered for camping.

                                  • #19159 Reply
                                    Eric Wolf

                                      Thanks John, great work.

                                      Ron, what are you hearing from the hotel crowd?

                                    • #19161 Reply
                                      Ron Zablocki

                                        Ron, what are you hearing from the hotel crowd?

                                        Joe Reyes and myself both have reservations at the San Luis Inn & Suites. We made the bookings through Hotels.com. I don’t know of anyone else that’s hoteling.
                                      • #19163 Reply
                                        John Crittenden

                                          TC is also hoteling.

                                          We have 10 campers, and still have room for several more takers (I booked another site, but can cancel a week or two before April 20 if we don’t need the extra site. (Karl and Sharon will have their own campsite).

                                          Looks like 16-17 riders so far.

                                          • #19238 Reply
                                            Karl Wagner

                                              Hey John,
                                              Glad to have a few more tents share our site. We just needed a site for Wed night as we are going up early and wanted to get back into the tree cover sites. Let me know if you want to assign anyone to our site.

                                          • #19164 Reply
                                            Ron Zablocki

                                              TC is also hoteling. We have 10 campers, and still have room for several more takers (I booked another site, but can cancel a week or two before April 20 if we don’t need the extra site. (Karl and Sharon will have their own campsite). Looks like 16-17 riders so far.

                                              Awesome John!  Let me know if you want any assistance with route creation or such.
                                            • #19219 Reply
                                              William Perry


                                                I signed up this morning and I forgot about another commitment that I have this week.  Is there a way to “Un” sign Up for this trip.  I apologize for any inconvenience.

                                                Kind regards,


                                                Bill Perry

                                              • #19229 Reply
                                                John Crittenden

                                                  I’ll take you off the list, Bill.

                                                • #19284 Reply
                                                  Willis Ho
                                                    Hi John,
                                                    Plan to trailer my bike to the campsite.  I am working on a bike/trailer trip to Alaska this summer, just like to use this opportunity to practice my trailer skill.
                                                    The campsite still has few (4) lots with utility connection available. Just like to know if I need get my own reservation.  I can share my lot with other camper from the club and if anyone interested in carpooling.
                                                  • #19289 Reply
                                                    John Crittenden

                                                      I emailed you, Willis—our sites are primitive, no electrical.  We’ll see how we do on capacity, etc. for camping.

                                                    • #19318 Reply
                                                      Travers Bell

                                                        I’m interested, but would need to get lodging. Not able to camp and I need power, sleep apnea is a real pain! Who all is getting a hotel/motel?

                                                      • #19339 Reply
                                                        Amit Sedha

                                                          New member here. Just signed up. Will arrive Thursday night. Primitive style camping all good. Will read descriptions to understand where to send payment etc

                                                        • #19342 Reply
                                                          John Crittenden

                                                            Hi, Amit—-Good to have you!   I’ll put you down for camping.   I’ll collect at the campsite once I figure out how much per camper.   Looks like it will be $50-$60 each for the three nights.  Includes firewood and my company!

                                                            Travers, there are several non-campers (Joe Reyes, TC, Ron Z).  Can check with them to see what they found.  Would love to see you there.

                                                          • #19343 Reply
                                                            Ron Zablocki

                                                              I found the cheapest hotel (San Luis Inn And Suites) through Hotels.com at $88/night for 3 nights, and is 5 miles from the campground at 1 Dairy Rd.

                                                            • #19344 Reply
                                                              Joe Reyes

                                                                Same here. I’ll be staying at the San Luis Inn and Suites all three nights.

                                                              • #19459 Reply
                                                                John Crittenden

                                                                  Subject to change (several roads, including Hwy 1 all the way to Big Sur are closed due to the recent adverse weather), here are the routes for the first 3 days.  Homeward on Day 4 will be a free for all!    We’ll be checking out the road conditions, but looks good!



                                                                • #19466 Reply
                                                                  Ron Zablocki

                                                                    Hi John – Do your routes have waypoints in them?  The route just comes in as a straight line in BaseCamp.  The track shows the correct route I believe, but no waypoints or stops.  Curious what you created these in?

                                                                  • #19483 Reply
                                                                    Ron Zablocki
                                                                    • #19490 Reply
                                                                      John Crittenden

                                                                        Yeah, can only ride to Ragged Point.   I had to change both day rides, due to closed, etc. roads.  But still will have some good riding!   My friend rode the routes the other day, so they will work.

                                                                        New routes:



                                                                      • #19496 Reply
                                                                        Pete Rissman

                                                                          Well it’s suddenly kind of unlikely that I’ll be able to go on this ride. I had a ladder collapse under me at work and I now have 3 broken (not cracked, broken) ribs on my left side and I can’t do anything without acute pain. The landing also drove the temple of my glasses all the way through my left eyebrow from end-to-end, but that barely hurts.

                                                                          I’m home and I’ll do what I can to facilitate the healing process, but the doctor had a good laugh when I hoped out loud that I’d be healed enough to ride in 9 days.

                                                                          We’ll see. I’ll go if I can.

                                                                        • #19498 Reply
                                                                          Ron Zablocki

                                                                            Damn Pete, that really sucks! I hope you can heal up quickly, but I think it’s best you skip this ride and listen to your doc. Your health is the most important thing.

                                                                          • #19499 Reply
                                                                            John Crittenden

                                                                              Bummer, Pete.  Do what you think is best!

                                                                            • #19500 Reply
                                                                              Ric Magrath

                                                                                Dang Pete. Hope you have a fast and full recovery. Let me know if there is anything i can do for you.

                                                                              • #19501 Reply
                                                                                Gilbert Galvez

                                                                                  Get well soon, Pete! Would be better to skip this ride to heal those broken ribs. There are more rides to come.

                                                                                • #19502 Reply
                                                                                  Karl Wagner

                                                                                    Get well soon Pete, the grass will be green again next year!

                                                                                  • #19503 Reply
                                                                                    Bill Allen


                                                                                    • #19506 Reply
                                                                                      John Crittenden

                                                                                        Okeay, here are the final routes.  Had to do a little tweaking, as some of the original roads are not in decent condition yet.

                                                                                        Kick off is Thursday from Panera Bread in La Canada.    Meet by 9, KSU 9:30.   Please be gassed up.   The tentative plan is, arrive SLO by about 3-3:30, set up, etc.   Dinner is whatever you all want to do (I’m for eating at camp, myself).

                                                                                        Friday, Coast and near-Coast ride, not a long day, probably leave El Chorro about 10.   Lunch at Ragged Point (reportedly the farthest north we can go on PCH).  Back by 4 or so.

                                                                                        Saturday, inland ride, leave by 9:30 a.m.,  lunch in Parkfield, back to El Chorro by about 4.   Was looking at dinner in Morro Bay, likely the Hofbrau der Albotross, on the recommendation of Mary M.

                                                                                        See you soon!

                                                                                      • #19510 Reply
                                                                                        Ed Taylor

                                                                                          Wow Pete.. Take care.  Give your body the time it needs.  everything else in insignificant.

                                                                                          Let me know if I can help with anything.


                                                                                          • #19511 Reply
                                                                                            Ryan Gersbacher

                                                                                              John, I will arrive at the campground Friday morning around 9am. I plan to join the group ride Friday and Saturday.

                                                                                          • #19512 Reply
                                                                                            John Crittenden

                                                                                              Sounds great, Ryan.   Let me know if you are running a bit late, and we’ll wait for you.

                                                                                              • #19513 Reply
                                                                                                Paul Kirch

                                                                                                  Hello John

                                                                                                  Where do we meet up on Thursday?

                                                                                              • #19514 Reply
                                                                                                Ron Zablocki

                                                                                                  Hello John Where do we meet up on Thursday?

                                                                                                  Hi Paul – Meeting at Panera Bread at 9am:
                                                                                                  990 Town Center Dr
                                                                                                  La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011

                                                                                                  KSU @ 9:30am.

                                                                                                • #19515 Reply
                                                                                                  Ron Zablocki

                                                                                                    Hello Riders – the weather is looking awesome for this weekend!

                                                                                                  • #19519 Reply
                                                                                                    Daniel Parks

                                                                                                      Hey John,  Not going to make the ride.  Caught a bug and I’m under the weather at the moment.  Hope the group has a great weekend!


                                                                                                      Dan Parks


                                                                                                    • #19520 Reply
                                                                                                      Willis Ho

                                                                                                        Travel in style thie time! I have electrical in my site in case anyone like to share it.  See you guys in the morning..

                                                                                                      • #19523 Reply
                                                                                                        Amit Sedha

                                                                                                          Hey riders, not going to make this ride.

                                                                                                          Enjoy and safe rides.

                                                                                                        • #19524 Reply
                                                                                                          Pete Rissman

                                                                                                            I hope you guys have a wonderful time. The weather looks like it will be about as good as it gets for both riding and camping and I’m really bummed that I can’t be riding with you.

                                                                                                            I’m doing a lot better than I was the first few days after my accident, but I have to be extra careful about how I move. That’s the bad part about broken ribs: You can’t immobilize them and one wrong move can undo days of healing. Unfortunately, so can something as simple as a coughing or sneezing fit. 🥵

                                                                                                            Anyway, I may not be with you in person, but I am in both heart and spirit. Ride safe and post lots of photos.


                                                                                                          • #19528 Reply
                                                                                                            Ron Zablocki

                                                                                                              Thank you for an awesome weekend John!  The Parkfield area was something to remember for sure.

                                                                                                            • #19531 Reply
                                                                                                              Steve Leo

                                                                                                                Great ride John!!!

                                                                                                              • #19533 Reply
                                                                                                                John Crittenden

                                                                                                                  Was a good ride!

                                                                                                                  If anyone wants to send me some of their photos, I can include them in my writeup for the trip.


                                                                                                                • #19535 Reply
                                                                                                                  Ron Zablocki

                                                                                                                    Here’s a link to the Google Drive folder where pics and write-ups can be uploaded for the newsletter:


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                                                                                                                Reply To: Central Coast 20 – 23 April

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