Call for StreetMasters!

Call for StreetMasters!

Forums Calendar Events Call for StreetMasters!

  • Creator
  • #10970 Reply
    John Crittenden

      I am starting a new topic here to keep this current and at the forefront—–

      We have about 15-16 sign-ups on this PCS (Precision Cornering Workshop).   Not good.  I spoke to Walt Fulton today and discussed some options.

      To reiterate, this is valuable training—–the normal StreetMasters rate is $390.  We are being give a 20% discount, to $312.   Plus (if you are an MOA member), a $100 training award following the completion of the event = $212.

      Please take advantage of this—-we are doing this for the Club.   I know that I could have used this training (as well as any training) years ago, and honestly, you would spend this much on a farkle or two.   Or auxiliary lights.  Or insurance.    This is much more valuable, in my humble opinion.

      The best way to reserve your spot is to sign up on the Ride List and reserve your hotel room. 

      We wanted this for the SCBMWRC but an option is to extend this offer to any BMW bike owner who wants to participate.  We will discuss this at our next Board and General Meeting. 

      Walt, feel free to chime in!

      Link to StreetMasters October 2019 original TopicStreetMasters October 2019

      Link to Calendar StreetMasters Weekend

    Viewing 13 reply threads
    • Author
      • #10972 Reply
        Joe Alwan

          I did a similar training day with the New England Riders 3 years ago when I lived in Massachusetts. Truly the best thing I ever did. Learned so much about how to handle my bike – definitely made me a better and safer rider. This kind of training is completely different than the typical parking lot course (low-speed skills). Training at speed is a different set of skills and perhaps even more important. Doesn’t matter what you ride. I’ve got a K-bike, but there were RTs, GSs, and an S1000RR in the course I did back east (also HDs, Wings, Victories, Teneres, Concourses, Street Triples, etc!). This training was so valuable, I jumped at the opportunity to do it again with SCBMWRC and StreetMasters. At $212, it’s a bargain. Highly recommended. Sign-up, you won’t regret it!

        • #10975 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            What’s the cost for pillion riders?

          • #10977 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Nancy Foote quoted $30, half off, for pillions!

            • #10978 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Another note to encurage those that have not taken this class at all or recently;
                – First, trainging is continuous and this class, particularly at this price, is even better the second or third time to hone and continue to improve skills. Think of it like for your golfers, who does not go to the driving range or have a coach tune up.
                – Second, and really cool. Streetmasters has on the road training classes, “Tour and Train”, which are a weekend of on the road taining with the coaches. These Tour and Train classes are awesome, held in great areas on great roads. BUT, Streetmasters, in an effort to allow Tour and Train classes to be most effective, only allows classes of the Streetmasters closed course classes, like ours coming up, to attend the Tour and Train weekends. You can attend a Tour and Train weekend on Streetmasters schedule, or if we have enough graduates in our club, we can schedule a club Tour and Train weekend!

                Go for it!

              • #10980 Reply
                Steve Hughson

                  Sounds great guys. I look forward to a fun learning experience.

                • #10984 Reply
                  Jim Foreman

                    The official sign-up for the South Coast BMW Riders Club Streetmasters Motorcycle Workshops Precision Cornering Workshop is ready.
                    Please use this link to officially sign up and attend the single best street-focused motorcycle training available anywhere.

                    Streetmasters Precision Cornering Workshop Registration

                    South Coasters at Streetmasters

                    Streetmasters Classroom Training

                  • #10986 Reply
                    David Omlor

                      Hi Jim – the link goes to the dreaded 404 Error: No Results Found The page you requested could not be found.

                      HOWEVER, if you copy and paste the URL into your browser search bar, success !

                      Cheers, – David

                    • #10987 Reply
                      Jim Foreman

                        Thanks David! The link has been fixed.


                      • #10988 Reply
                        Richard Catarineau

                          Why does Lisa look so sad in that picture?

                        • #10989 Reply
                          David Omlor

                            Q.: Why does Lisa look so sad in that picture?

                            A. She just found out that Streetmasters is not a Track Day!

                          • #10994 Reply
                            Rob Tripp

                              I’m registered for the course. I will be staying at the luxurious TownPlace Suites Lancaster as I need to use up my Marriott awards.

                            • #11002 Reply
                              John Crittenden

                                As of this afternoon, we are at 15 sign-ups (Tom White is the only one not on the Ride List, (for Tom W’s reasons). Please promote this to our club members, as it is possible we will open this up to other BMW riders not in the Club so that we fill the class.

                              • #11006 Reply
                                John Crittenden

                                  Here is the link to the BW Desert Poppy for the StreetMasters special rate, courtesy of Jim Foreman.

                                  “Use this link for the special Streetmasters rate at the Desert Poppy Inn.

                                  Jim ”

                                  On the initial page, just enter the date(s) you want to stay, otherwise it will default to a three days.

                                • #11078 Reply
                                  John Crittenden

                                    As a REMINDER, if you haven’t signed up/paid for StreetMasters, please do so at the link above (Jim Foreman, August 28) to reserve your spot (as this course day has been opened to any BMW Rider).

                                    Thank you for your cooperation!

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