April 7 General Mtg / Joshua Tree Ride

April 7 General Mtg / Joshua Tree Ride

Forums Calendar Events April 7 General Mtg / Joshua Tree Ride

  • Creator
  • #9949 Reply
    Chris Roady

      Our April 7 General Meeting will be held at Flo’s Airport cafe at 9:00am. For those interested in a hearty breakfast, this is the place, so please arrive early enough to eat prior to our meeting, or stay later if you can’t join our epic Gram Parsons Joshua Tree loop!

      For those of you unfamiliar with the Gram Parsons / Joshua Tree story check this link out:

    Viewing 10 reply threads
    • Author
      • #9952 Reply
        Bill Allen

          Is this the place?

          Chino Airport
          7000 Merrill Ave #8
          Chino, CA 91710

        • #9953 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            That’s it Bill.

            Here is the phone number: (909) 597-3416

          • #9954 Reply
            Chris Roady

              The address and phone # are on the attachment 👍🏻

            • #9958 Reply
              Mark Borgeson

                Bill Allen – click on the big icon that looks like an airplane :-))

              • #9968 Reply
                Ron Zablocki

                  I know it’s early, but is a route being put together for this yet?

                • #10000 Reply
                  Chris Roady

                    I haven’t put anything to keyboard yet Ron

                  • #10046 Reply
                    Chris Roady

                      ** UPDATE **

                      Here is the GPX file for our ride though it is pretty simple and I doubt will be needed. Agenda for the day is as follows:
                      General Meeting – 9:00am – 9:45 am
                      * Chino Airport Parking Lot outside Flo’s Airport Cafe / 7000 Merrill Ave, Chino
                      * Please arrive early for breakfast in advance of Gen Mtg outside @ 9:00am
                      KSU for Joshua tree – 9:45am
                      * Coffee and Restroom break in Yucca Valley @ Starbucks 57744 29 Palms Hwy
                      * Can stop @ Joshua Tree Inn where Gram Parsons left his spirit if any interest
                      * Enter Joshua Tree National Park for beautiful riding and scenery
                      * 1st stop @ Barker Dam hiking trail (1.5 mi) to see petroglyphs
                      * 2nd stop @ Cap Rock Gram Parsons unofficial memorial site
                      Late lunch in Palm Desert
                      * Home in groups or solo from here

                    • #10073 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        8:45 we pulled in the garage with 380 miles on the clock. What a GREAT day of flower smelling !! Thanks to Chris Roady and all the riders. Hope you all made it home safe.

                        Ohhhh, is my ass sore, but in a good way. 😁

                      • #10074 Reply
                        David Eastly

                          Fantastic ride today, with a great group. Thanks Chris!

                        • #10078 Reply
                          Erasmo Brenes

                            Had a great time, great ride, with great friends! Thanks Chris!

                            PS:I’m glad that you got the bike running! 🙂

                          • #10101 Reply
                            Chris Roady

                              I’m really pleased so many could make the ride and enjoyed it. I was a little concerned with the mileage but should have known better … no big for a South Coaster !!!

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