4/4/20 General Meeting Canceled

4/4/20 General Meeting Canceled

Forums Calendar Events 4/4/20 General Meeting Canceled

  • Creator
  • #12140 Reply
    Chris Roady

      With regrets, your BOD has decided to cancel next months General Meeting and scheduled ride. We will still hold the BOD meeting over a conference call. The link below will provide additional local information, Orange County specific.


      A few copy/pastes from the link above:

      There is now laboratory evidence of community transmission in Orange County, indicating that COVID-19 is spreading in the community.

      On February 26, 2020, the Orange County Board of Supervisors declared a local emergency and County Health Officer Dr. Nichole Quick declared a local health emergency as part of broader preparedness efforts related to novel coronavirus, or COVID-19.

      High-risk populations which include older adults (ages 65 and higher) as well as people who have serious, chronic medical conditions (like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease) are at higher risk for contracting COVID-19. These individuals should self-isolate at home.

      Minimize risk through social distancing whenever possible which includes avoiding attendance at large gatherings (250 people or more). Small gatherings should be limited to no more than 10 people and provide social distancing of six feet per person.

      We appreciate your understanding and will address the viability of our additionally scheduled meetings and rides with the best information available as they approach.

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    • Author
      • #12143 Reply
        David Eastly

          Good call.

        • #12147 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Our General Meeting cancellation is now mandated in Orange County by order of County Health Officer Dr. Nichole Quick. Your BOD will monitor requirements and hopefully we can return to normalcy sooner rather than later.

            Stay strong South Coasters, this too shall pass.


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