MOA Rally Charity Challenge – Pitch In Everyone!!

MOA Rally Charity Challenge – Pitch In Everyone!!

Forums General MOA Rally Charity Challenge – Pitch In Everyone!!

  • Creator
  • #5905 Reply
    Karl Wagner


      Attached is the article describing the Charity Challenge at this years MOA Rally. The SCBMWRC BOD voted to meet the minimum $100 Challenge at the July meeting, which is a great start!

      I will be challenging the South Coaster Attendees to pitch in personally to exceed this challenge! I hope John Crittenden can provide an opportunity for the South Coasters attending the annual South Coaster picnic to particpate. We look forward to providing all our contributions above and beyond the $100 South Coaster club donation at the rally!

      Take care,


    Viewing 4 reply threads
    • Author
      • #5908 Reply
        John Crittenden

          I will have a jar at the picnic for anyone who would like to contribute, and will bring the donation to the Rally! Thanks, Karl!

        • #5994 Reply
          Chris Roady

            John or Karl,
            Could one of you post the final number of funds donated by SCBMWRC, from the picnic and from the rally participants? Really cool how our club stepped up to the challenge 👍🏻

          • #5996 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              John has the number, good idea, thanks everyone, the BOD, the Club Picnic participants and the Rally attendees!

              Great Job Everyone!

            • #5998 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                The picture posted by the chair showed the South Coasters as 5th place.

              • #5999 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  Including donations from the Rally attendees, I believe we had (I did not keep track, Carol was) $240 in donations. Thanks to everyone who chipped in!

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