Route 66 LA to Chicago

Route 66 LA to Chicago

Forums Rides Route 66 LA to Chicago

  • Creator
  • #4913 Reply
    Mark Borgeson

      I’m planning an epic road trip starting in late April. Route 66 from start to finish – LA to Chicago. From Chicago I’m headed to NJ via ???. NJ to Canada via Niagara Falls, up over the great lakes, back through the US via Yellowstone, Utah, back to So CA. Any Interest? A 30 day trip with 50% camping. Let’s do it!

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    • Author
      • #4914 Reply
        Roberto Giraldes

          I wish I could go with you Mark but I think my back would not make it.

        • #4916 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            Uh, Mark… Does Cindy know about this?

            So what’s the plan? (Not that I can take off for a month to go with you.)

            A solo trip?

          • #4929 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              So yah, I got the okay from Cindy. Probably solo since no one can take that kind of time off unless they’er unemployed or retired (I haven’t decided which one I am yet). Although, there is some interest from members.

              It all started with my nieces upcomming wedding on the East Coast in May. I thought about shipping my bike out and driving back but now I have an opportunity to drive to and from. Ride of a life time for me.

              I’m working on the route. I’ll probably par it down to something more like 20 days.

            • #4935 Reply
              John Crittenden

                I might be able to do the first couple of days. This sounds great.

              • #4948 Reply
                Dale Sprosty

                  You’ll have a ball. I did LA-Ohio and back 2 years ago solo and would love to do it again.

                • #5057 Reply
                  Cindy Borgeson

                    Hi all.

                    Ok, so I’ve made some changes. I’ve shortened the distance on Route 66 from ending at Chicago IL to ending at Springfield MO (See the attached itinerary).

                    Some of you expressed interest in riding the first day or two on the trip. I need to be in NJ for a wedding so my dates aren’t too flexible. I’m tentatively planning to leave Monday 04/24, but if there’s any interest I could leave earlier on the 22nd or 23rd. Those are weekend dates but it’s also the weekend of the Morro Bay campout trip. Pffft, like that matters. I need to start making motel & camping reservations so let me know ASAP.

                  • #5059 Reply
                    Mark Borgeson

                      Just incase you were wondering, that previous post from Cindy was really from me. D’ho

                    • #5069 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        Going to be an awesome trip Mark, have fun!

                      • #5497 Reply
                        Mark Borgeson

                          I’m back, safe and sound, exhausted. 8000+ miles in 25 days, 27 State, one flat tire. Gotta love BMW RT’s!
                          More to follow…

                        • #5499 Reply
                          Roberto Giraldes

                            Wellcome back Mark! Glad to hear you’re safe and sound!

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