September 2016 Newsletter

September 2016 Newsletter

Forums Newsletters September 2016 Newsletter

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  • Author
    • #3658 Reply
      Karl Wagner

        Boy Erasmo, you sure make the first of the month deadline, 11:09pm on 9/1/16! Now we have to get you out riding that GT! Glad you kept the scooter battery charged, please let me know when you scoot, I may get my 150 out, especially if you are in Torrance, my hood! Thanks Erasmo, good job!

      • #3659 Reply
        Erasmo Brenes


          Next time I’ll remember to let you know about the Swerve and Curve rally. It starts in Torrance and goes around
          Palos Verdes before ending in some big restaurant (Alpine Village in Torrance). All type of scooters, from vintage to modern, all makers. Check this video of the event

        • #3661 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Certainly would try to join the masses, I am sold on the Animal Crackers being shared! Looks like a fun group!

          • #3670 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Ok Erasmo , I did see you Vespa guys in our neighborhood….

            • #3674 Reply
              John Crittenden

                Okay, back to the Newsletter! Great, and thanks, Erasmo.

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