Evening Dessert Ride

Evening Dessert Ride

Forums Rides Evening Dessert Ride

  • Creator
  • #2950 Reply
    John Crittenden

      We did an evening ride last year (thanks, Ralf), and I would like to do another.

      I couldn’t find a full moon on a Friday or Saturday in July, so picked Friday, July 22. We can meet in Lake Elsinore at the intersection of Grand and Ortega at 8 p.m. I’ll have a ride to a place for ice cream/dessert. Looking at 1.5 to 2 hours each way (from Lake Elsinore).

      Click here for link to Calendar

      (I changed this to the following Friday due to the Ride to Live Training 7/16)

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    • Author
      • #2954 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Very nice John, and you can talk it up at the picnic one week before.

        • #3413 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Some major changes: Leave Lake Elsinore at 7:30 pm and ride to Palm Desert and the Cheesecake Factory (if anyone has another idea for the stop in Palm Desert area, let me know).

            The route is 179 miles from Lake Elsinore to Palm Desert and back, and as this is a special-type ride, miles will be doubled for submission.

            If you want to ride, please sign up on the Ride List.

            Here is the Tyre file and PDF:

          • #3418 Reply

              See you at Lake Elsinore.

              Is there .gpx or .gdb file?

            • #3420 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Well, since this IS a Dessert Ride, and we only eat dessert after a good dinner…….anyone interested in grabbing a bite in around the West End of Ortega Hwy???

              • #3422 Reply

                  I know exactly which dessert I want. I ate dinner at Chesecake Factory last night on Hwy 111 here in Palm Desert. Staying here for couple of nights. Funny when I told my wife that I’ll be coming back again day after, she said, why don’t we stay an extra night so you won’t have to come back. Yeah, but! Missing components are my motorcycle and company of my friends. LOLs.

                  • #3444 Reply
                    Mark Borgeson

                      Karl – I don’t know if I can make it in time for dinner. I won’t get on the road until 5:30 or 6:00. I’m livin’ the dream but I still have to work.

                  • #3430 Reply
                    Mark Borgeson

                      What time are people heading out from OC? Anyone want to ride out together?

                    • #3434 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        I’ll be coming from Chino Hills myself, down the 15 to Lake Elsie.

                      • #3448 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          I am coming from the So Bay, plan to be in Capistrano for dinner 5:30 to 6:30pm for dinner before heading over Ortega Hwy to meet at 7:30pm. Will be parking at the Starbucks and walking to dinner somewhere close. K

                        • #3463 Reply
                          Karl Wagner

                            Jessie V on the ride list, right on Jessie! See you Friday night!

                          • #3469 Reply
                            Jessie Vaca

                              Well, I must have missed you guys, I rode right past that intersection without knowing it. Rode to the other end of Ortega and then back in the dark, when I realized where Grand and Ortega was at. I would have liked to gone on the ride. Maybe next time.

                            • #3470 Reply
                              John Crittenden

                                Sorry about that, Jessie! We did have a good ride. Our phone numbers are on the ride list, should you want to update one of us. Also, the start point is on the calendar, with Google Maps. Next time!
                                And, thanks to the five of us who braved the heat and dark and (too much) dessert!

                                Bonus miles for this first mileage ride of the 2016-2017 ride year.

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