Club Member Mileage Reports

Club Member Mileage Reports

Forums Calendar Events Club Member Mileage Reports

  • Creator
  • #20708 Reply
    Pete Rissman

      Here is the club members’ mileage report including the Porterville Weekend – Sept 22-24 ride.

      It is sorted first by rank (place) and then alphabetically by last name.

      An updated list will be posted in this forum thread after each ride.

      Would you like to be on this list? Come ride with us!

      Pete R
      Mileage Curator.

      NOTE: CLICK the link below to download the report (PDF) to your computer. RIGHT CLICK the link and choose Open the link in new window/tab to view the report in your browser.

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    • Author
      • #20716 Reply
        Pete Rissman

          To refine what the mileage report on the home page of the SCBMWRC website shows:

          • Ed T is currently in 1st place
          • Carl T is currently in 2nd place
          • Eric W, Ron Z, and Travers B are tied for 3rd place.

          Pete R
          Mileage Curator.

        • #20869 Reply
          Pete Rissman

            Below you will find the mileage report following the Oct 07 GM ride to Farmhouse 78.

            In summary:

            • Ed Taylor remains in 1st place with 1403 miles.
            • Travers Bell is in 2nd place with 1116 miles.
            • Carl Tung is in 3rd place with 1045 miles.
            • Gilbert Galvez and Patrick Wolf are tied for 4th place with 924 miles.

            The next report will be posted after the Oct 13-15 Weekend Getaway at Mt Laguna.

          • #20994 Reply
            Pete Rissman

              Below you will find the mileage report following the Oct 13-15 ride to Laguna Mountain.

              In summary:

              • Ed Taylor remains in 1st place with 1943 miles.
              • Travers Bell is in 2nd place with 1656 miles.
              • Carl Tung is in 3rd place with 1585 miles.
              • Gilbert Galvez is in 4th place with 1464 miles.
              • Eric Wolf and Ron Zablocki are tied for 5th place with 1420 miles.

              Total safe club event miles ridden since we started keeping track (7/4/23): 157,464 miles.

              The next report will be posted after the Nov 4 GM ride to Julian and the Nov 2-5 ADV Rally.

              Pete R.
              Mileage Curator.

            • #21016 Reply
              Bill Allen

                Hi, Pete.

                For some reason, not that it’s important, but I didn’t get credit for my ride to the GM at Farmhouse 78. I pre-registered and showed up. What did I screw up this time?

                FWIW, I did get a souvenir from the event. Because I couldn’t find a seat in the shade, I sat with one leg in the sun. Sure, my thigh felt a little warm under those skinny black jeans, but it didn’t feel too bad.

                When I got home, I saw the damage. my skin was cooking under those jeans! I’m healing fine and can still ride. Ignore the scar right of the blister. That was from when I was 17 and didn’t avoid a tree at 50 MPH. Those damn things are hard!

                Thank you

                • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Bill Allen.
                • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Bill Allen.
              • #21043 Reply
                Pete Rissman
                  Did you sign the ride waiver, Bill? I’m pretty sure I accounted for everyone who did. Regardless, I’ll get your mileage on the list this evening.

                  Hi, Pete. For some reason, not that it’s important, but I didn’t get credit for my ride to the GM at Farmhouse 78.Quote

                • #21048 Reply
                  Bill Allen

                    Never saw it.

                    Thanks. Gotta get ahead of Bill Reitz.


                  • #21056 Reply
                    Pete Rissman

                      This is important information for EVERYONE. If you participate in a club ride, whether it’s a GM day ride or a multi-day ride, it’s important that you sign the ride waiver for that ride.

                      And it doesn’t matter if you want ride points or not. You need to sign the ride waiver. Please ask for it if it doesn’t come to you.

                      Pete R.

                    • #21059 Reply
                      Bill Allen
                        Not to bust anyone’s chops, but the organizer/leader of the event should be responsible for this. I don’t recall an announcement at the meeting regarding signing the waiver, but I could have stepped out when that occurred because I was focused on getting my leg out of the sun.

                        This is important information for EVERYONE. If you participate in a club ride, whether it’s a GM day ride or a multi-day ride, it’s important that you sign the ride waiver for that ride. And it doesn’t matter if you want ride points or not. You need to sign the ride waiver. Please ask for it if it doesn’t come to you. Pete R.

                      • #21078 Reply
                        Pete Rissman

                          Below you will find the mileage report following the Oct 13-15 ride to Laguna Mountain. This update includes Bill Allen’s mileage.

                          In summary:

                          • Ed Taylor remains in 1st place with 1943 miles.
                          • Travers Bell is in 2nd place with 1656 miles.
                          • Carl Tung is in 3rd place with 1585 miles.
                          • Gilbert Galvez is in 4th place with 1464 miles.
                          • Eric Wolf and Ron Zablocki are tied for 5th place with 1420 miles.

                          Total safe club event miles ridden since we started keeping track (7/4/23): 158,004 miles.

                          The next report will be posted after the Nov 4 GM ride to Julian and the Nov 2-5 ADV Rally.

                          Pete R.
                          Mileage Curator.

                        • #21124 Reply
                          Ric Magrath

                            Chops deservedly busted and responsibility failure accepted. I will make a point of presenting the sign in sheet, during the meeting, on future rides I lead. I will suggest the same to other ride leaders.

                          • #21243 Reply
                            Pete Rissman

                              Below you will find the mileage report following the Nov 4 GM ride to Julian and the Nov 2-5 ADV Rally.

                              In summary:

                              • Ed Taylor remains in 1st place with 1943 miles.
                              • Gilbert Galvez is in 2nd place with 1736 miles.
                              • Ron Zablocki is in 3rd place with 1692 miles.
                              • Travers Bell is in 4th place with 1656 miles.
                              • Carl Tung is in 5th place with 1585 miles.

                              Total safe club event miles ridden since we started keeping track (7/4/23): 165,296 miles.

                              The next report will be posted after the January 6 GM ride to the Rock Inn.

                              Pete R.
                              Mileage Curator.

                            • #22996 Reply
                              Eric Wolf

                                And we have our winners.

                                The 23-24′ club mileage contest has come to an end but, with a bang! with the addition of 1,793 miles accumulated by 11 club members who attended the national rally, Ridin’ to Redmond.  Winners will received the coveted mileage meister trifold cap later this month at our annual club picnic.

                                I am especially proud that we, as a club, have ridden over 236,000 miles over the last two years!  That’s fantastic.  Moreover, 74 DIFFERENT members at one point or another came out to Ride With Us.  What a great accomplishment; that says something about the character of this club and the bond that we share.

                                Finally, thanks to Pete R, our mileage chair for the last two years.  Great job Pete!

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