2023 South Coast BMW Riders Club Elections

2023 South Coast BMW Riders Club Elections

Forums Club Business 2023 South Coast BMW Riders Club Elections

  • Creator
  • #19992 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Hi South Coasters!

      It’s time to GET OUT THE VOTE!

      Emails are in your inbox inviting you to vote for 2023-2025 Board Members.  We are governed by an eight-member board of directors, including a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and four others.  We are an all-voluntary organization and rely on people to plan our events, coordinate rides, manage our money, and keep the paperwork in line.

      This year we have two board members rolling off and two volunteers to fill those positions.  Ric Magrath and Rafael Carrete are candidates to replace Harry Hoffman and Gilbert Galvez.  Ric and Rafael bring a ton of experience as board members for other organizations, and also creativity as we move into our new riding season.

      Elections will close on Friday, June 30th.  Complete and submit your ballot no later than the 30th.
      • This topic was modified 1 year ago by Eric Wolf.
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    • Author
      • #19997 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Thanks for voting!  We already have 24 e-ballots returned.  Those who have not voted yet, please do by close of business on Friday, June 30th.

        • #20063 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            Ladies and Gentlemen,

            Thank you to all who voted.  There were 41 ballots cast, all unanimously for Ric and Rafael for the positions of Board Members.  Congratulations!

            Come on out to the picnic this weekend where we will install those new board members and give thanks to Harry and Gilbert for their time serving on our board.

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