Bike Night @ Irv Seaver: Thurs, May 18

Bike Night @ Irv Seaver: Thurs, May 18

Forums Rider Improvement Events Bike Night @ Irv Seaver: Thurs, May 18

  • Creator
  • #19698 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      South Coasters,

      Come on out!  Let’s support Irv’s and have a large South Coaster showing. We’ll have a table set up and be promoting the club.

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    • Author
      • #19699 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          If you are coming, or think you might come, sign up on the event page.

        • #19713 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            We have several signed up for Bike Night at Irv Seavers.  I’m bringing a pop up, club brochures, and a bowl of candy.  Let’s get more club members out to hang out, talk about how great the club is, and sing karaoke.

          • #19717 Reply
            John Crittenden

              I’m planning on being there.

            • #19733 Reply
              Eric Wolf

                Thanks to all for coming out to Irv’s Bike Night.  It was a big success.  Great food, fun people, and we talked to several folks who seemed interested in joining us.  This won’t be the last bike night.  Irv’s wants to continue holding these throughout the summer.  So more opportunities to come out and support them!

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