Thursday Willy Nilly Ride===ACH

Thursday Willy Nilly Ride===ACH

Forums Rides Thursday Willy Nilly Ride===ACH

  • Creator
  • #12377 Reply
    John Crittenden

      I have time today to do a ride, up to Wrightwood, then Angeles Crest Hwy, if anyone is interested.  Going to leave about 10 a.m. from Upland.  

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    • Author
      • #12379 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Oh darn !!! I didn’t see this post till 10:39am. Hope you had a great time John.

        • #12380 Reply
          Bill Allen


          • #12381 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              Well…, despite the LA County Road Closure site showing that ACH was open, it was not; closed just past the Big Pines turnoff, up the road from Wrightwood. So we went the other direction, to Lake Arrowhead. Relive the ride with us!

            • #12382 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Nice Eric, looks like you made a good day out of it!

              • #12386 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  Here’s another one. Enjoy!

                • #12387 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Sorry for the late notice, but it was a last minute thingee. Good riding, though!

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