Sierra Passes Ride – Make Your Hotel Reservations NOW!

Sierra Passes Ride – Make Your Hotel Reservations NOW!

Forums Rides Sierra Passes Ride – Make Your Hotel Reservations NOW!

  • Creator
  • #7628 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Hi folks, thanks to those who responded to the role call for interest for hotel rooms for this trip. I have booked a limited number of rooms and due to the trip being in the summer busy season we NEED TO MAKE RESERVATIONS BEFORE 4/1/2018. SO GET TO IT!

      Thursday June 21, 2018
      Day One – Panera, La Canada to Porterville, CA
      160 Miles, 2:30 hr:min
      KSU 2:00pm

      Porterville, CA Hotel Info
      Best Western Porterville Inn
      350 W Montgomery Ave, Porterville, CA 93257

      Reservation under – South Coast BMW Riders Club
      One Night, Arrive 6/21, Depart 6/22

      Firday June 22, 2018
      Day Two – Porterville to Sonora
      280 Miles, 7:40 hr:min
      Breakfast at Hotel
      KSU 8:00am

      Sonora, CA Hotel Info
      Gunn House Hotel
      286 S. Washington St., Sonora, CA 95370

      Reservation under – South Coast BMW Riders Club
      Two Nights Reservation, Arrive 6/22, Depart 6/24
      $159 for single queen bed
      $179 for two queen beds or king bed
      includes full breakfast buffet each morning

      Saturday June 23, 2018
      Day Three – Sonora Sierra Passes Loop, back to Sonoma
      Breakfast Buffet at Hotel
      KSU 9:00am

      Sunday June 24, 2018
      Day Four – Sonora to LA/OC
      361 Miles, 5 hr
      Breakfast Buffet at Hotel
      KSU 9:00am

      The above miles are based on routes I have in draft form. I will develop alternative more direct routes for Friday and Saturday for those that wish to have a bit shorter day. More to come soon. For now, please MAKE YOUR HOTEL RESERVATION!

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    • Author
      • #7700 Reply
        Bill Allen

          Just booked room in Porterville. There are six rooms remaining, all king size beds.

        • #7796 Reply

            Booked room in Porterville at the Best Western Porterville Inn, and room at The Gunn House Hotel. There are 2 king and 1 queen left at the Gunn House. Note that they will charge you “$50 non-refundable deposit”, and it gets applied when you check-in. If you cancel anytime before, you will forfeit your $50. I booked at $159 (single queen) + taxes for 2 nights = $349.80 total.

          • #7950 Reply
            David Eastly

              I just found I can go on this trip! Is anyone interested in sharing their room at the Gunn House hotel on June 22 & 23?

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