NorCal BMW Club 2022 ROL Gypsy Tour

NorCal BMW Club 2022 ROL Gypsy Tour

Forums Rides NorCal BMW Club 2022 ROL Gypsy Tour

  • Creator
  • #16961 Reply
    Ric Magrath

      I am heading to this event, departing Costa Mesa area early morning, Friday Sept. 2, 2022. Wondering if any others are attending?

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    • Author
      • #16963 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Hi Ric,
          Yes, my wife and I will be riding our bikes up to the ROL. We are leaving Wed taking a few days to tour on the way up. Eric Wolf is also riding the ROL, not sure of his travel plans.
          Safe travels, see you at the new rally site!

        • #16964 Reply
          John Crittenden

            I want to go, but won’t know until next week.   If it does work out, will leave early Friday.

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