Idyllwild Day Ride, Sunday May 15th

Idyllwild Day Ride, Sunday May 15th

Forums Rides Idyllwild Day Ride, Sunday May 15th

  • Creator
  • #2470 Reply
    Dale Sprosty

      We will leave Corky’s Restaurant at 8:30 AM sharp. Corky’s is located at the corner of Crown Valley Parkway and Antonio in the strip mall on the south side of Crown valley and Antonio intersection. The address is 27522 Antonio Pkwy P – 1, Ladera Ranch, CA 92694. They have great breakfasts if you want to come early. I have attached Tyre routes below. We will get to Idyllwild a little before lunch and can do some photo ops, shopping, fuel up, etc. After lunch we will head back using 243 north of Idyllwild and back across Ortega highway ending again at Corky’s. Round trip is ~ 210 miles combined. Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. Very scenic route and Idyllwild is a beautiful place to visit.

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    • Author
      • #2474 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Hey Dale, save the Tyre route as a GPX file then any one can load it into their GPS. A TRF file can only be used by Tyre and Mac users can’t use Tyre, but they can drag & drop a GPX onto their units.

        • #2477 Reply
          Dale Sprosty

            Thanks Bill. Done.

          • #2552 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              I fixed the site so you can upload Tyre TRF files, so now you can upload both GPX and TRF files.

            • #2554 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Rick if you post a TRF file only Tyre users (windows only) can use if. Convert it (save as) to GPX and anyone can drag & drop into their GPS.

              • #2555 Reply
                Richard Catarineau

                  But for Tyre users the TRF is better and easier to use. So why not upload both?

                • #2556 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Ohhh, you’re uploading both….. Never mind.

                  • #2557 Reply
                    Dale Sprosty

                      You da man Rick!!! With age comes wisdom (Ithink)

                    • #2558 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        If age brings wisdom then Rick MUST be the smartest guy in the Club !! 😎

                      • #2743 Reply
                        Dale Sprosty

                          Please let me know if you are planning on attending the Day ride on May 15th to Idyllwild. Looking for head count.



                        • #2744 Reply
                          Bill Reitz

                            Karen & I should be there.

                          • #2747 Reply
                            Dale Sprosty

                              If you guys make it Bill I will build in an ice cream stop along the way.

                            • #2748 Reply
                              Richard Catarineau

                                What?!? I just tuned 61. If I’m the oldest some of you guys need to exercise more. I know I don’t LOOK like the oldest!

                                Or maybe I better have another look in the mirror…

                              • #2752 Reply
                                Karl Wagner

                                  Sharon and I are in…..two heads…..not certain how many bikes…….

                                • #2757 Reply
                                  Dale Sprosty

                                    Great to hear Karl. Should be fun!

                                  • #2760 Reply
                                    Mark Borgeson

                                      Cindy & I are in.

                                    • #2761 Reply
                                      Dale Sprosty

                                        Great to hear Mark (and Cindy)!

                                      • #2800 Reply
                                        David Omlor

                                          Absolutely great, fun ride today! Thank you Dale (and my ride leader, Bill) for the adventure.

                                        • #2801 Reply
                                          Bill Reitz

                                            Dale put together a great day of riding and the members & guests that turned out made it complete. Thanks to all involved.

                                          • #2802 Reply

                                              Dale, an outstanding job. Loved the breakfast and lunch, and the wonderful people who made it much more fun.

                                            • #2803 Reply
                                              John Crittenden

                                                Thanks, Dale! Glad I was able to make it. If I ever see that yellow Hummer (coming down from Idyllwild) again, he’s toast!

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                                            Reply To: Idyllwild Day Ride, Sunday May 15th

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