Day rides for early 2017 ?

Day rides for early 2017 ?

Forums Rides Day rides for early 2017 ?

  • Creator
  • #4661 Reply
    Scott Hale

      Ola ! It seems like there are plenty of multi-day, long-distance destination rides scheduled for the first part of 2017 (Death Valley, Borrego Springs, 49’er rally, etc.), but nothing much in the way of “Day-tripper” rides to a destination for say lunch and a meeting (Say like the Rock Inn day-trip) coming up. I think a run up North into the Santa Monica mountains doing something like the Topanga Canyon loop might be fun (There are what, like 6-8 different routes up, over, and back ?). I would be interested in putting together a day-ride up and around North if enough people or the board is interested in doing a meeting on the coast up in the Malibu area. What say ye ? Cheers, Scott Hale.

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    • Author
      • #4662 Reply
        Brandon Wilson

          Sounds good to me. One suggestio for some of the day rides is to go East first and work west as the tempature increases. When Bill put the challenge on the table yesterday I was thinking of some of those eastern routes before it gets too bloody hot.

        • #4663 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Great Idea Scott, go for it!! If we are free we would like to join in!


          • #4666 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Sounds good to me. The mountains up there are always fun, if not flooded or covered in mud. 😉

            • #4667 Reply
              Dale Sprosty


                Knowing this group you will have p[lenty of help and input. Put a tentative date in play and depending on time/date I would love to join the group.

              • #4686 Reply
                Scott Hale

                  Thanks for all of the follow-up posts ! I am going to go try out a potential club day-ride tomorrow, 2/12, weather permitting. I am going to go up to Malibu and do Latigo Canyon Road up into the hills, and then Encinal Canyon/Decker Road (Hwy 23) back down to PCH. While I am sure many of you have done this route before, I am sure there are a few who have not (Like me) and would find it a good ride. I will be measuring the mileage, riding time and so forth. Planning for a few pit stops (Gas/toilet) and of course, FOOD. I am going to try and scope out a decent place with a room that can accommodate at least 10 with a backup location that could do a few more if necessary. I’ll write a post with some pics.

                  Generally – 22/405/10 to PCH. Go North on PCH, go right into the mountains.

                • #4688 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Scott, thanks for this! Steve Leo has offered to accommodate the Club for lunch. As he lives in Camarillo, I believe, maybe we can coordinate with him, as in the same general area. If you want to, you can contact him (email on the member list).

                  • #4697 Reply
                    Rick C as Member (test)

                      I was thinking that something like this would be perfect, a day ride. This would help new members to get to meet people before doing an overnighter. As long as I don’t have plans set in place I would really like to meet anyone who shows up. I’m a new member so this would be a really good ice breaker.

                    • #4698 Reply
                      Chris Roady

                        I am also a new member who has an interest in day rides as well as trips. My preference is for weekday rides as opposed to weekends though. Do week day rides come up often?

                      • #4699 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Hey Chris, here is a “Retired Ride Group” informally putting day rides together. I know there was a recent informal ride posted, but it is really not more formal than a forum posting.

                          I would say throw it up on the Ride Forum and the Club Facebook page and see who responds…………..who knows, I might be “sick” that day!


                        • #4707 Reply
                          Scott Hale

                            Thanks for all of the feedback ! I did not get an opportunity to do recon on the Latigo Rd. / Kanan-Dume Road this past weekend due to work, but hopefully this Sunday if the rain is gone. I dont want trow it out there until I get a chance to do it first – so it does not “Bomb” – plus I need to find a good place to stop and eat – Camarillo is a long haul over the mountains, although the offer is appreciated.

                            More to follow after I scout this route out. Thanks, Scott.

                          • #4708 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              Shoot me a text if you run up there this Sunday. I may be available to ride along, would need to go in the morning. Places to look up for a lunch break:

                              – Paradise Cafe, Malibu, on the beach literally, can’t beat the view
                              – Topanga Table, Topanga Blvd, good casual quality lunch spot, great food, not cheap.
                              – Rock Store, of course have to put it as a option. Iconic, biker place, similar to Hell’s Kitchen, or Cooks Corner

                              626 483-4009

                            • #4709 Reply
                              Bill Reitz

                                Hey Karl the problem with Paradise Cafe is you get charged $10 to park with no validation. We used to (I know, a bad word) meet there but it was free before 10am. Now you pay at any time. Never been to Topanga Table.

                              • #4710 Reply
                                Scott Hale

                                  Karl, I need to go in the AM too, so if I go, I will give you a call beforehand and we can meet up as I pass through the South Bay area ! If not this weekend, perhaps the following with better weather. I like Paradise Beach, have been there before in a cabana setup – perhaps we can get the club a deal on parking ?

                                • #4713 Reply
                                  Karl Wagner

                                    Ok Scott, Let me know about this Sunday. I am on the road the following two weekends unfortunately.

                                    Bill, Website says $6 with Cafe purchase, 4hr validation, well worth a great beachside place to eat. Alternatively, could pick up bfast at the beach in Santa Monica at the vendor just North of the pier, not sure what parking cost are there, and no where near a beautiful as Paradise.

                                  • #4718 Reply
                                    Karl Wagner

                                      Scott, Mark B and I are riding Sunday, meet up is at 9am at the Starbucks, 5030 Rosecrans Ave, Hawthorne, Ca, just off the 405 freeway. Anyone is welcome for an informal half day ride to lunch, location to eat TBD!

                                    • #4719 Reply
                                      Karl Wagner

                                        Scott, Mark B and I are riding Sunday, meet up is at 9am at the Starbucks, 5030 Rosecrans Ave, Hawthorne, Ca, just off the 405 freeway. Anyone is welcome for an informal half day ride to lunch, location to eat TBD!

                                      • #4720 Reply
                                        Scott Hale

                                          Karl, I saw your reply late last night, I ended-up getting stuck at a family get-together until really late last night up in Santa Monica, so I don’t think I’ll make the recon trip today – are you going to do Latigo road and Malibu ? My only hesitation is that the road conditions are going to be poor up there post storm – where I was at last night had tons of debris all over the road – branches, etc…. ride safe if you go, I think I am going to do the recon trip next week – cheers, Scott

                                        • #4721 Reply
                                          Karl Wagner

                                            Understand Scott, Yes, we will run Latigo, not sure what else, Rock Store to do some bike watching for sure. Looks like it will be Mark B and I, will take it easy as we see what the roads look like, nothing is closed per se, but road condition sites don’t go any further of course.

                                          • #4722 Reply
                                            Scott Hale

                                              Hi, did you make it up and around Latigo yesterday ? How was it if so ? Best, Scott.

                                            • #4723 Reply
                                              Karl Wagner

                                                Hey Scott, Yes ran Latigo and a few others Sunday, the area has so many nice roads. Latigo is nice, the bottom 1/3 off PCH is kind of busy with residential traffic, but the top 1/3 is a good 2nd and 3rd gear turn road. The farther North and West you go the less communities and more open the road is. Have fun next weekend!

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