"Super Bloom" Carrizo Plain Campout

"Super Bloom" Carrizo Plain Campout

Forums Newsletters "Super Bloom" Carrizo Plain Campout

  • Creator
  • #9751 Reply
    Jacob Furgatch

      With all of the recent rains and more to come I am wanting to find out if anyone is interested in joining me on a campout trip sometime in March or April to the Carrizo Plain National Monument. I posted some info last year about the area when I detoured through it on the way to the clubs Pinnacles National Park campout. They have a couple of dry (no water) campgrounds that do not require a reservation. If the flowers are as spectacular as I think they will be I may go mid-week to avoid the crowds. Although, I understand when it is busy it still is not bad given the remoteness of area. Some non-paved riding will be required so GS bikes encouraged. I do not have a date picked out yet. That will be determined as blooming season evolves which I will monitor on a couple of websites. Message me if you have an interest so I can then keep you updated as it gets closer.

      On a related note – the Anza Borrego trip in March should be perfectly timed for this years blooms. I plan on trying to make that trip as well.

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    • Author
      • #9756 Reply
        Chris Roady

          I might be interested Jacob if the dirtroads aren’t any worse than the 10+ miles of dirt Eric and I did to Oatman. I would likely do it on my R75 and not my RT though. Keep me current on your plans.

        • #9757 Reply
          Jacob Furgatch

            Chris – I am sure you could make it. The main road is hard pack gravel/dirt with some washboard. On this trip I want to take some of the side roads available in the area but they are all passable without 4 wheel drive. In addition to the flowers I want to explore the San Andreas Fault which you can directly observe in the Monument area, and if we go on a moonless night Carrizo is designated as one of the few “dark sky” areas in California where celestial observations are the best due to the lack of light pollution. I will message you about the plans as things get closer.

          • #9758 Reply
            Bill Allen

              Chris – I’ve done Carrizo Plains on my R1150RT. I was a little nervous the first couple of miles (first time off tarmac on the RT), but soon gained confidence and was able to ride at whatever speed I wanted. As long as it’s dry, you should have no problem on whatever bike you decide to take.

            • #9760 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Roady, go for it…. could not be any worse than that road you lead us on in Johnson Valley a few years agao…. :0

                Seriously though, you could to it for sure. If I were you though I would forgo the top box for a larger bag to avoid rattling that for the length of the road.

                The GS Giants ride is March 22-33 in that area, if you happen to be doing it after that, I will likely hit a portion of that road if not all of it, and check out the raod condition after these good rains, at least the main road.

              • #9761 Reply
                Mark Borgeson

                  Hi Jackob. I’m interested depending on the dates. Please keep me updated.

                • #9798 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    Add me to your list. I’m interested.

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