May 2 and no Newsletter…….Is Erasmo ok?????

May 2 and no Newsletter…….Is Erasmo ok?????

Forums Newsletters May 2 and no Newsletter…….Is Erasmo ok?????

  • Creator
  • #5294 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      No rush Erasmo, it is just that you are soooo regular on the 1st of each month…….like I set my calendar on you newletter publishing…… ๐Ÿ™‚

      I will be patient!

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    • Author
      • #5302 Reply
        Erasmo Brenes

          My typewriter broke!

        • #5306 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            I hate when my typewriter ribbon goes out!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • #5319 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              I have to admit…… Erasmo held up publishing this month so I could get the list of nominees for Club Officer’s to him. The by-laws state the list will be included in the May issue. Thank you Erasmo.

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