June 2017 Newsletter

June 2017 Newsletter

Forums Newsletters June 2017 Newsletter

  • Creator
  • #5690 Reply
    Erasmo Brenes

      Lots of pictures and reports.


    Viewing 9 reply threads
    • Author
      • #5693 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Great last newsletter Erasmo, thanks for all your hard work!

          On the newsletter calendar the Solstice is not there, don’t forget the ride on June 17, 2017! For the hearty, the early risers and young at heart!

        • #5697 Reply
          Erasmo Brenes

            Thanks Karl. I did get to mention the Solstice ride on my Editor’s column, but didn’t get it to the calendar
            section. I know that you’ll get a good turn-out as that has always been a club favorite.

          • #5698 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              And I do appreciate the narrative mention of the ride. As you know it is not a ride that lends to a large group anyway……it may make a good solo ride…just me and Ralf!!

            • #5701 Reply
              Dale Sprosty

                Great last edition Erasmo.

              • #5802 Reply
                David Omlor

                  Please send your June Ride Reports with excellent photos directly to me since I will be editing and posting the July Newsletter.

                  David Omlor [email protected] 714-307-6633

                  Thank you,
                  – David

                • #5816 Reply
                  Paul Nelson

                    I’d like to thank Erasmo for the three years of excellent newsletters. Great job.
                    Sincerely, Paul and Gale Nelson

                  • #5817 Reply
                    Mark Borgeson

                      I agree! Thanks Erasmo for many many excellent newsletters!
                      Cheers, Mark & Cindy Borgeson

                    • #5818 Reply
                      Mark Borgeson

                        I agree! Thanks Erasmo for many many excellent newsletters!
                        Cheers, Mark & Cindy Borgeson

                      • #5819 Reply
                        Erasmo Brenes

                          Thank you guys!
                          I also know that I’ve left the newsletter on good hands, let’s welcome David Omlor as newsletter editor!

                        • #5820 Reply
                          Dale Sprosty

                            Welcome David. Thanks Erasmo not only for the outstanding newsletter but your comraderie on the board. A definite bright spot for me over the past three years!

                            Big shoes to fill David but I know you will do a great job in this role! Only as good as the input so keep the cards and letters coming club memebers!!

                        Viewing 9 reply threads
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