SCBMWRC New Website

SCBMWRC New Website

Forums General SCBMWRC New Website

  • Creator
  • #1142 Reply
    John Crittenden

      I would like to get some feedback on this new Website, and any suggestions you might want to put forth. Rick C. does not have enough to do! Seriously, Rick did put a lot of work into this, thanks. (Bill A. did a great job on the original site, but it was time for an updated one).

      I for one really like this format. Clean, easy to read, follow, etc.

      John C.

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    • Author
      • #1143 Reply
        Richard Catarineau

          I sure do like the way it looks on my cell phone. But I might be prejudiced.

        • #1146 Reply
          Dale Sprosty


            First of all a big shout out and thanks to John & Rick for all of their efforts. I too like the new format and ease of movement. I would suggest an update on the photos in the heading portion of the new site. I’m sure many of those photos are several years old (nothing wrong with these photos) and in line with “new web site” the content should be updated as well where possible. Again, job well done!!

          • #1147 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Oh, yeah—–that was one thing. We have been talking about getting a newer video and photos. Any volunteers for doing the video?

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