RE. Kermit Chairs

RE. Kermit Chairs

Forums General RE. Kermit Chairs

  • Creator
  • #4325 Reply
    John Crittenden

      I had a little accident at Pinnacles—-one of the leg extensions fell off when I moved the chair, and when I sat down, crack (and no, I did not fall on my a**).    One of the braces snapped in half.

      I emailed the Kermit company, and they are sending me a new brace, no charge.   Even though I have had my chair for longer than the 5 year warranty.     Very good customer service!

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    • Author
      • #4335 Reply
        Bill Allen

          Rubber bands.

        • #4339 Reply
          David Omlor

            …and chewing gum!

          • #4340 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Received the new brace, and now, instead of using rubber bands or chewing gum, or duct tape, I used a hammer to make the extensions a tighter fit.

            • #4356 Reply
              Paul Nelson

                Aaaah, using a hammer. My kind of craftsman….. :)))

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