Question re. Tyre

Question re. Tyre

Forums General Question re. Tyre

  • Creator
  • #989 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Would anyone be interested in a little seminar, likely at Irv Seavers after the General Meeting, on how to use Tyre? I’ve been using this, but there is some stuff that I could use more direction on (no pun intended!). Bill Reitz has graciously offered his vast store of knowledge.
      Please respond here if this is something you would like to see happen.

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    • Author
      • #990 Reply
        Dale Sprosty

          As we discussed at last week’s ride there is a lot of interest in not only Tyre but Base Camp as well. I’m all for it John.

        • #993 Reply

            I’ve bachelors degree on Base Camp, however, working towards Ph.D. There is always something you find that you didn’t know. Only way to get Ph.D is if I work for Garmin and head the development team to create a better user experience software. Alas, they don’t pay well, that’s why we have to be stuck with what we have.

          • #994 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Maybe we can do some of both. I’ll post this, and we’ll see what kind of response we get.

            • #995 Reply
              Paul Nelson

                I would be interested (as long as Bill doesn’t make us take pop quizzes)

              • #1030 Reply
                Dale Sprosty

                  The Tyre seminar shoudn’t take more than a half hour (given Bill’s expertise with this software). I started from scratch and built 3 maps in 20 minutes. Files can be “saved as” in .gpx files.

                • #1031 Reply
                  Tom Hooper

                    I don’t think Tyre works on apple computers…sigh

                  • #1098 Reply
                    Dan Burtt

                      Has this already passed? I would be interested.

                    • #1103 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        We tried at the General Meeting, but for several reasons, didn’t pan out.

                        By the way, Dan, can you put a photo in place of your Smiley Face? It’s pretty easy. Can email me if any problem.

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