Pictures Needed: Christmas Party

Pictures Needed: Christmas Party

Forums General Pictures Needed: Christmas Party

  • Creator
  • #11566 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Hi Folks,

      I am in need of pictures taken from the club Christmas Party. Please send them to me to the one drive link here to ease the issue of attachment sizes.

      Link to upload:!Aj4auzpdhwK2gaF7LZGJOgd5okIUnA?e=FO2vst

      This link will close down on Dec 31st.

      You can also text them to me at 951-227-1736.

      Thank you and Happy Holidays.

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    • Author
      • #11579 Reply
        Brandon Wilson

          Hi Folks,

          Still looking for pictures from the Christmas party. I appreciate your sharing as soon as you can.


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