NEW Ride List Login

NEW Ride List Login

Forums General NEW Ride List Login

  • Creator
  • #6299 Reply
    Richard Catarineau

      I feel terrible that some members have lost their voice at the general meetings screaming and ranting about the way they have to log into the Ride List. John tells me one guy actually turned beet red and had to be taken away in a straight-jacket. I get it. Finding that damn login link is next to impossible. It’s like the thing has an Invisibility Spell cast by Harry Potter on it. So the time has come for a change.

      The “Ride List” page now has a simple login at the top. The login is your “Ride List” name, which is shown below in the actual list. There is no password. Since this page is only available to members there shouldn’t be much of a problem, that is unless there is tomfoolery about. If I hear reports of new nicknames being added or some such shenanigans I’ll have to add a password. Or worse, we’ll go back to the dreaded login link.

      Let’s hear your comments. Does anyone feel the need for a password?

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    • Author
      • #6300 Reply
        David Omlor

          Well…that was certainly very easy to use! Thank you!

        • #6301 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Can I have a password?

            We will need a Ride List Officer to make sure that there are no “shenanigans”. Any takers?

          • #6302 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Nice Rick, thanks.


            • #6306 Reply
              Richard Catarineau

                OK, you alone can have a password. But it’s an invisible, telepathic password. Only you can use it and if anyone else uses it they will turn into a frog. I’ve already activated it and it’s the name of your favorite son + the name of his mother + the year and model of your ex-motorcycle. Don’t forget those and you’ll always be able to edit your Ride List.

              • #6307 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  John as a Frog………mmmmmmmm……

                • #6312 Reply
                  Mark Borgeson

                    Thanks Rick, I like it!
                    I like the sorting too.

                  • #6337 Reply
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