IMS Long Beach Motorcycle Show

IMS Long Beach Motorcycle Show

Forums General IMS Long Beach Motorcycle Show

  • Creator
  • #11427 Reply
    Erasmo Brenes

      Anyone planning on going?
      I’ll be going on Saturday morning.

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    • Author
      • #11428 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          We are going Friday afternoon Erasmo at this point. If plans change to Saturday I wil text you.

          I know a few people are going Saturday morning and starting the day with the customer breakfast at LB Motorcycles if you are interested in that on your way.


        • #11429 Reply
          Erasmo Brenes

            Thanks for the feedback. I’ll look into going to the breakfast at LB before the show.

          • #11430 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              Get tickets for $15 ($2 off) at
              Enter discount code IMS20POST

              Lisa and I are probably going Sat morning, but not early enough for breakfast at LB BMW.

            • #11431 Reply
              Erasmo Brenes

                Or get $3 off with code EM820.
                Rick, hopefully we’ll see you and Lisa there on Saturday morning.

              • #11432 Reply
                Richard Catarineau

                  We changed our minds and are going early to the LB dealer breakfast then to the show. See you there!

                • #11434 Reply
                  Chris Roady

                    Any members going Sunday? If so AND you have an interest in the Helite Airbag Vests? Let Knut Wagner know you are a SCBMWRC member for a significant discount. They are last years model but he assures us they are identical functionally with only BNG’s … $400 and no tax if payed with PayPal. Hi Viz only and limited to supply available. Brandon, Dave and I each took advantage of the significantly reduced pricing.

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