How To – Universal Pairing of Comm Units

How To – Universal Pairing of Comm Units

Forums General How To – Universal Pairing of Comm Units

  • Creator
  • #9010 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      I’m attaching a YouTube video about pairing comm units in Universal Pairing Mode. The speaker does a great job of explaining “how to” between different brands. I have watched other videos of his, he does a very thorough job of teaching.

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    • Author
      • #9014 Reply
        David Omlor

          Thank you Bill. Good to know!

        • #9015 Reply
          Brandon Wilson

            Good video! Thanks for sharing Bill! 😀

          • #9016 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Ok, I’m tasking each person going on the Kernville Ride with homework. Try this out and let’s see if we can all be connected while riding there. Comes in handy if there are rocks in the road or you need a gas stop or ….

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