Helite Air Vest Owner Tip From Rep

Helite Air Vest Owner Tip From Rep

Forums General Helite Air Vest Owner Tip From Rep

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  • #14391 Reply
    Jacob Furgatch

      While at the recent 49er rally I got to talking with the Helite rep. As a new owner of their airvest I wanted to know if it was ok to remove the back pad in my jacket to reduce weight and increase ventilation. He said yes, go ahead and remove it. That a back pad does not really add any more protection to the air vest. I also asked about removing the shoulder pads as I know some vest owners had done that as well. He does not advise doing that. Best to leave them in.

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    • Author
      • #14393 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Wondered the same thing, thanks for asking him. I’m more of a belt and suspenders guy I guess, think I’ll keep running both. Suppose you went down, didn’t separate from the bike, therefore don’t activate the airvest? Back pad would be good to have in, right? I know, I know, seems very unlikely those stars would align and theres a comfort/benefit equation that could be factored in 🙂

        • #14400 Reply
          Mark Borgeson

            I’ve had an air vest for a few years now. I removed the back pad in my suit not only because it was redundant but also to encourage me to use the air vest all the time. My air vest has no shoulder protection so I left those pads in my suit.

          • #14401 Reply
            Chris Roady

              I think we need to test yours again in MT, Mark!

              • #14406 Reply
                Mark Borgeson

                  I agree Chris. I told the reps that’s what we did and they gave me a new air cartridge.

              • #14407 Reply
                Jacob Furgatch

                  After my conversation with the rep he came over to where I was standing by my bike and gave me a replacement co2 cartridge. It was totally out of the blue. I know they have been hard to get due to shortages. Nice to have a little extra security should I set off the jacket by accident and then be stuck on the road without protection. Never hurts to talk to the vendors!

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