Free tracking software

Free tracking software

Forums General Free tracking software

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  • #14382 Reply
    Mark Borgeson

      Follow mee is a free location tracking app for your apple or android device. You get a 3 day history at no cost. Longer histories are available starting at $10/yr. It’s basically like “find my friends” but with history. My wife enjoys tracking me on my trips. Pros: low/free cost. Cons: must have cell phone with coverage. The UI is pretty basic. Follow Me link

      Funny story. I used to use a SPOT tracking device. It’s MUCH more functional than FollowMee but it’s expensive and you need an annual subscription. It’s a bright orange device and it sticks out like a sore thumb. I met a couple of Harley riders on the road one day and they were asking me all about my RT. Did I like it, top speed, comfort, dependability, etc. They were very impressed. Then, they noticed my orange SPOT device and asked what that was. I said, oh it’s a GPS tracker so my wife and friends always know where I’m at. They said in unison “OH WE DON’T WANT THAT!” LOLOL.

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