Emergency Medical Sheet

Emergency Medical Sheet

Forums General Emergency Medical Sheet

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    • #9544 Reply
      Karl Wagner

        Where do you store this, a bit big for a wallet, however would be good to be very accessible and in a logical place for someone to find in an emergency.

        Good share, thanks

      • #9546 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Karl I print the sheet and keep in a ziploc in my upper jacket pocket. Gotta look at it once in a while to be sure it’s still up to date.

        • #9548 Reply
          Mark Borgeson

            Yah cause as old as Bill is it needs to be updated frequently 🙂

          • #9549 Reply
            Mark Borgeson

              Thanks Bill! Good advice. My riding jacket has a pocket with a red tab on it. First responders know to look there for emergency id. Thats where I keep my info.

            • #9550 Reply
              Mark Borgeson

                Also, if you have an iPhone, you can use the health app to enter your emergency info. If you enable it, your phone will allow access to your emergency info even if it’s locked. First responders are aware of this too. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207021

              • #9551 Reply
                Mark Borgeson

                  Finally, on the iPhone health app, you can legally specify if you’re an organ donor.
                  (I am. I feel sorry for anyone who gets my liver though 🙂 )

                • #9555 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    You do know Mark B, three topics can be included in one post…. or do you thoughts come in spurts like mine…. :0

                    Good info Mark, thanks!

                    Miss you brother,


                  • #9565 Reply
                    Mark Borgeson

                      Karl – my thoughts certainly come in spurts 🙂
                      BTW it was 4 posts. Miss you to pal!

                    • #9566 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        Uhhhhhhhhh…………………………… YOUR right!!!

                      • #9579 Reply
                        David Eastly

                          You’re killing me, Mark B!

                        • #9581 Reply
                          David Omlor

                            Be really careful when renewing your driver’s license…

                            This time of year, livers are in high demand!

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