Upcoming General Meetings and Board Meetings

Upcoming General Meetings and Board Meetings

Forums Calendar Events Upcoming General Meetings and Board Meetings

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    John Crittenden

      Over the next week or so, I will be planning out General Meetings and locations.    The next General Meeting, October 2, will be at Apple Annie’s in Oak Glen.   Info is on the Calendar.

      We can also do a remote General Meeting for November.  I was thinking Santa Paula Airport, we haven’t done that in a while.   

      For December, our Christmas Party will serve as the General Meeting.

      January, how about we go to the Rock Inn in Lake Hughes—-that’s pretty much a tradition with the South Coasters and always a fun ride to and from!   

      February will be at Irv Seaver, with the Past Presidents breakfast later on in the month, likely at Hell’s Kitchen.

      If anyone has suggestions for new places, let me know.  Otherwise, we can do the tried and true venues!

      Also,  Board Meetings are the Thursday before the G.M. at 6:30 via Zoom.  Everyone is always welcome to tune in!

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