Tire Recommendations

Tire Recommendations

Forums Tech Corner Tire Recommendations


  • Creator
  • #19204 Reply
    Brandon Key

      I’m looking to buy my first set of new tires for my K1200LT.  Does anyone have any recommendations for a newbie rider?  I appreciate all comments!

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    • Author
      • #19208 Reply
        Sergio Collazo

          Hello Brandon,

          There are two tires that stand out as widely used by motor officers and a wide variety of riders on bigger bikes.  Michelin Road 6 and Dunlop Roadsmart 3.  Both are good touring tires but are grippy and are top notch in the rain.  I often see the Michelin’s on liter sport bikes where riders want more mileage and wet weather performance without loosing much performance.



          • #19214 Reply
            Brandon Key

              Hi Sergio,

              Thanks for the response.  Yes, I have been looking at both of those. Glad to know I was looking in the right place!

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