The 2018 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride  – Sept 30

The 2018 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride – Sept 30

Forums Rides The 2018 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride – Sept 30

  • Creator
  • #8678 Reply
    Jacob Furgatch

      Come join me on Sunday September 30 for this years ride. Registration and the ride are free. If you want to go then log on to their website and sign up for the Orange County location which starts at the Newport Beach Ducati dealer on Newport Blvd. just up the hill from PCH. The ride will go north on PCH, then turn a bit inland for a stop at the Vans shoes world headquarters, then south on PCH to Monarch Beach resort.

      On Sunday September 30th 2018, over 120,000 distinguished gentlefolk in over 650 cities worldwide will don their cravats, tustle their ties, press their tweed, and sit astride their classic and vintage styled motorcycles to raise funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and men’s mental health.

      The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was founded in Sydney, Australia by Mark Hawwa. It was inspired by a photo of Mad Men’s Don Draper astride a classic bike and wearing his finest suit. Mark decided a themed ride would be a great way to combat the often-negative stereotype of men on motorcycles, whilst connecting niche motorcycle communities together.

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    • Author
      • #8848 Reply
        Jacob Furgatch

          You need to register to participate but here are the ride details.

          ABOUT THE RIDE
          Welcome to the 2018 Orange County Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride!
          We thank all of you Ladies and Gentlemen for your support. In only 3 years you have helped turn this into one of the biggest rides in the world! Check out what we have in store for you this year.

          Ride Start: Ducati Newport Beach
          Pastries and coffee provided by Haute Cakes and Stumptown Coffee

          Meetup Point: Vans headquarters for a reception and refreshments

          Final Destination: The Monarch Beach Resort ETA 1:00 PM END Time 5:00pm

          The Monarch Beach Resort has been gracious enough to host us and let us use their Grand Lawn, the premier location at their facility.
          Executive Chef Collin Thorton has put together a full menu consisting of special food and drinks.
          On the main stage Kid Ramos will be rocking it out for us like they do every year.
          Also, the finest bikes from the ride and from Roland Sands Garage will be on display for your viewing pleasure.
          Please feel free to invite family and friends to join in on the festivities!

          For those of you wanting to party hard, Monarch Beach Resort if offering special rates on their amazing rooms. Stay tuned for a special promo code.

          NOTE: There will be a ride from Roland Sands Designs in Los Alamitos to the ride start point in Newport Beach leaving at 8:00 am. Check out the shop and start your day out with a great ride down the coast!

        • #8863 Reply
          Nicholas Okoneski

            I’m all signed up and my R90 is ready to go. See you there!

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