Street Masters cornering workshop

Street Masters cornering workshop

Forums Calendar Events Street Masters cornering workshop

  • Creator
  • #14667 Reply
    Sergio Collazo

      Hello Everyone,

      Walt Fulton’s cornering workshop is ramping up classes again for the fall. I registered for the October 23rd training where they have a wide open class with 39 available slots.

      Using group discount code “GRP20” you can get 20% off the rate of $390 and bring the cost own to $312.

      It gets even better though as BMWMOA members get to access the Paul B. Memorial scholarship which provides a $250 subsidie towards the cost. So, for a net cost of $62 you get a full day of training by a former professional road racer.

      Class information

      Front Page

      Scholarship information

    Viewing 18 reply threads
    • Author
      • #14675 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Good inforamataion and a great class Sergio, enjoy!

        • #14689 Reply
          Harry Hoffman

            I signed up today, as well. I’m too exited!
            Thanks for the scholarship tip, Sergio. I also submitted my application for that as well.

            Looking forward to a great day of learning and riding!

          • #14725 Reply
            Sergio Collazo

              Pete Rissman mentioned he was signing up. We need a minimum of four South coasters to sign up to get the 20% discount. We need one more! Any takers?

            • #14805 Reply
              Nicholas Okoneski

                I just signed up. I will be your fourth.

              • #14825 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  Excellent, Sergio! I’ve done it twice and highly recommend it. I will promote it at our next General Meeting!
                  Also added it to the Calendar.

                • #14826 Reply
                  Sergio Collazo

                    Thats great to hear Nico. See you there.

                    Thanks John.

                  • #14832 Reply
                    Harry Hoffman

                      As the event approaches, lets all talk about a possible meetup location and then ride out together. Thanks again Sergio for starting this thead and interest in this class. I’m looking forward to it!

                    • #14835 Reply
                      Sergio Collazo

                        Sounds like a good idea Harry. I am in Aliso Viejo.

                      • #14849 Reply
                        Nicholas Okoneski

                          According to the Streetmasters website, there are still 36 available slots. Does Walt require a minimum number of riders to hold a class?

                        • #14850 Reply
                          Sergio Collazo

                            Good question. However, as this public class I have only focused on getting some of our members signed up. When I spoke with Walt he told me the classes “fill up fast.” I hope he doesn’t cancel as a class later in the year will have a higher likelihood of rain and whipping around a track in the rain is not my idea of fun.

                          • #14866 Reply
                            Nicholas Okoneski

                              It appears the Precision Cornering Workshop has been cancelled. The course is no longer listed on the Streetmasters website and I got a refund from Walt today. Maybe next year …

                            • #14867 Reply
                              Bill Reitz

                                Check the Clubs FaceBook page, I got a message from Walt Fulton that he was having trouble getting instructors so had to cancel this event.

                              • #14868 Reply
                                Sergio Collazo

                                  Indeed. Nancy sent me the message below. We should all align once again for the spring class.

                                  “We are extremely sorry to cancel the October 23rd Streetmasters Precision Cornering Workshop.

                                  With restrictions easing around the state, our instructors are now committed to working their “home” ranges, teaching beginner riders and are not available to work our October 23rd Streetmasters class.

                                  Without our complete staff, we would not be able to provide you with the learning experience we expect to give to each of our students.

                                  I will be sending each of you a refund of your class fee. We hope that you will join us for one of our spring 2022 classes on March 26 and May 14. Soon those dates will be available for sign up on our website.”

                                • #15004 Reply
                                  Sergio Collazo

                                    I heard from Nancy, they will be opening enrollment for 2022 classes after the holidays. Hopefully, we can all align and pick a date for club members interested in taking class.

                                  • #15109 Reply
                                    Sergio Collazo

                                      Springs classes were recently announced for Streetmasters class. There are two dates available: March 26 and May 14.

                                      I am leaning towards attending the May class but am flexible. It would be ideal if we can gain consensus as a group on a date and take advantage of group rate. It seems that those of us that previously enrolled in the October 2021 class were offered a “former student” discount.

                                      Any takers on a May or March class?

                                    • #15370 Reply
                                      Sergio Collazo

                                        Hello Everyone,

                                        I am signed up for May 14 Streetmasters class. If more than four club members attend (or if you signed up for previously cancelled class), there is a 20% discount. The promo codes for former students is GRAD20.

                                        I hope to see fellow club members there.

                                        Any questions about promo pricing can be directed to Nancy Foote at: [email protected]

                                      • #15371 Reply
                                        John Crittenden

                                          Thanks, Sergio. We’ll promote it!

                                        • #15374 Reply
                                          Ed Taylor

                                            Sergio, I am signed up for this weekend 3/26. I have a room in Mojave for Friday night. If you are interested and can switch to this weekend, We can share a Friday night room. Why Mojave? Its a bit further for Friday night, about as close to the track on Saturday morning and its where Walt and Nancy and crew stay. Let me know if that works for you. Ed

                                          • #15375 Reply
                                            Sergio Collazo

                                              Hello Ed,
                                              I am out of town weekdays for the next few weeks. Thanks for reaching out cut I have to pass.

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