Sedona Ride November 17-20, 2022

Sedona Ride November 17-20, 2022

Forums Calendar Events Sedona Ride November 17-20, 2022

  • Creator
  • #17971 Reply
    Gilbert Galvez

      For those who are joining our upcoming Sedona Ride. Our meet up place is going to be at Flo’s Diner. Address, 7000 Merrill Ave Bldg A315 Chino, CA 91710. We will meet at 7:00, if you want to have breakfast, you need to go in early. KSU will be 7:30. I also attached the gpx files for the ride.

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    • Author
      • #18015 Reply
        Steve Leo

          If anyone is in need of hotel reservations for the ride to Sedona drop me an email as there are still a few places that have reasonable rates available.

        • #18017 Reply
          Willis Ho


            Poco Diablo Resorts adjacent to campsite has room available, which is about 3 minutes away on foot, they also have bar and large dining area serving breakfast, lunch and dinner till 10pm.

          • #18023 Reply
            Willis Ho

              I have reserved a room with 2 queens at the adjacent Poco Diablo Resorts the the 3 nights.  Anyone likes to share the room? The cost for the 3 nights is about $850 /2.

              Please let me know by Monday!


              Willis 714.767.7960

            • #18026 Reply
              Steve Leo

                We have finalized the Group Dinner for Friday night in Sedona. We have made arrangements at Javelina Cantina Sedona for 5:30PM. This will be the only organized group meal. It is 1.6 miles from the campground to the restaurant. We will be back from the Grand Canyon in plenty of time to clean up and go to dinner.

                Javelina Cantina
                671 AZ 179
                Sedona, AZ 86336

                PLEASE plan on being at the restaurant on time!

                As the restaurant does not do individual checks for groups we ask that each of you please bring sufficient cash with you to pay for your meal and cocktails. We have set up a spreadsheet for the orders so it will be very easy for us to calculate the cost for each person in the group. There is no group fee just the cost of your meal/drinks and a 20% gratuity which is standard.


                I have confirmed with the following 16 people that you are going to attend the group dinner. If you are NOT going to join us I need you to contact me by Tuesday evening at the latest.
                Steve Leo
                Jan Leo
                Pete Rissman
                Gilbert Galvez
                Ian Meyer
                Daniel Parks
                Willis Ho
                Rafael Carrete
                Danny Wassenaar
                Elaine Wassenaar
                Carl Tung
                Ron Zablocki
                Lorna Zablocki
                Harry Hoffman
                Eric Wolf
                Henry Solari

                If your are NOT on this list and will be joining us please let me know by Tuesday evening.

                DON’T DRINK AND RIDE!!!!!!!!
                We have contacted a taxi company that has a 7 passenger van and we can make arrangements for him to pick-up the people in the hotels, drop then at the restaurant then run down and make 2 trips to the Campground to shuttle everyone to dinner. He will also get us back after dinner. Please let me know if you are interested in this. It will be quite inexpensive as we will be dividing it between everyone.

              • #18027 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  Thanks for setting this up Steve!  It will be great fun to share a meal together, tell tall tales, and laugh a lot.

                • #18029 Reply
                  Gilbert Galvez

                    Could you please let me know if you are not going to ride out of Flo’s Diner? I know Steve and Danny are going to meet us in Sedona. Just want to make sure we have everyone before we leave. I am counting 11 bikes on this ride.

                  • #18028 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      Gilbert and Carl can show everyone how to do camp showers…… doubles as a show! 🙂

                      Have fun everyone, wish we were attending!


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