SCBMW Ladies Luncheon  2-17-18

SCBMW Ladies Luncheon 2-17-18

Forums Calendar Events SCBMW Ladies Luncheon 2-17-18

  • Creator
  • #7249 Reply
    Beth Crittenden

      SCBMWRC Ladies are invited for a fun and relaxing lunch in Historic Old Town Orange.

      See calendar for details. link

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    • Author
      • #7257 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Oh Beth….. What date do the ladies look at on the calendar for info ?

        • #7258 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Just looking at the calendar one sees that it the date is February 17, 2017 …..

          • #7430 Reply
            John Crittenden

              I slightly changed the Topic Title. Tried to add the link, but won’t take.

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