Ride to Alaska and beyond

Ride to Alaska and beyond

Forums Rides Ride to Alaska and beyond

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  • #19755 Reply
    Willis Ho
      Paul K and I plan a 3 week trip to Alaska on 7/8, depart at the club picnic. Plan to ride an average 600mi per day, about 9k mile total.  If anyone interested to join us.
      7/08 Carson City NV, Hwy 395 about 450mi
      7/09 Pendleton OR,
      7/10 100 Mile House BC
      7/11 Bell II BC
      7/12 Whitehouse YT
      7/13 Fairbanks AK
      7/14 Denali NP/Anchorage AK
      7/15 Anchorage AK
      7/16 Tok AK
      7/17 Dawson City YT through Top of the world highway (unpaved road)
      7/19 Prince Rupert BC
      7/20 Port Hardy, BC Ferry through Inside passages
      7/21 Victoria BC
      7/22 Ride home through Hwy 101…
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