Ride List, Please Use to Help Us Plan…. Thank  You!

Ride List, Please Use to Help Us Plan…. Thank You!

Forums General Ride List, Please Use to Help Us Plan…. Thank You!

  • Creator
  • #10353 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Just a simple request to use the ride list, please indicate if you are going to events. It has been greatly improved and takes very little time to update.
      This REALLY helps those of us who work to plan and execute rides for our club members benefit!
      Thank you! 🙂

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    • Author
      • #10354 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Dan Burtt has had trouble signing up for the Ride List so he reached out to me for help. He has a reservation for Pea Soup Anderson’s and the Santa Ynez Ride.
          Dan’s email is [email protected] or [email protected]

        • #10358 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Well, I looked and he is shown on the ride list as attending the ride now. He must have got it to work out. Great!

          • #10359 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Good old Rick C got Dan straightened out. Thank you Rick !!

            • #11450 Reply
              Chris Roady

                Bump of original request …

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