Panamint Springs/Death Valley Feb 19-21

Panamint Springs/Death Valley Feb 19-21

Forums Rides Panamint Springs/Death Valley Feb 19-21

  • Creator
  • #13639 Reply
    John Crittenden

      As the Airhead Rally has been cancelled, here will be a solution for those who need their Death Valley fix.    We have the group campsite reserved for the weekend of Feb 19-21.   It does not look like the motel rooms are available/open, but I have reserved two Queen cabins ($209/night + tax) and 3 2-cot tent cabins ($55/night), for those who might not wish to pitch their own tent.    There are also RV sites available.  For other than the group camping, please call Panamint Springs to reserve and mention SCBMWRC.

      I am clarifying if the restaurant is open and will post as soon as I find out.

      More specific details will follow but the general plan is:   For anyone who wishes to ride up in a group, we can leave Flo’s at Chino Airport about 9 a.m. on Friday.    Stop for lunch in Ridgecrest.  Dinner open for Friday night.   Saturday is open for breakfast, lunch, and riding Death Valley or wherever.   Small groups might work best for Saturday riding.   If the restaurant is open, we could have pizza and salad for dinner at the campsite.    Cost is undetermined at this time, but at least $5/night for the camping.   Maybe $5-10 for Saturday dinner if desired.

      The Ride List now encompasses this Death Valley event, so update as appropriate, please.

      There also is the option of staying an extra night!

      Calendar link

    Viewing 25 reply threads
    • Author
      • #13645 Reply
        David Eastly

          Thanks John. Sounds like fun!

        • #13651 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Great John, thanks!
            We are going to do a trail ride on Saturday if anyone is interested, Titus Canyon, Skidoo Mining town, or?
            Looking forward to it!

          • #13661 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              John, thanks for picking this up.

            • #13685 Reply
              Rob Tripp

                I’m in for this ride. Not sure if I’ll camp or motel.

                Anyone open to sharing a double room at that glorious Panamint Springs Resort?

              • #13687 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  As of this date, the restaurant at Panamint Springs is closed. May change by the time we are there. The closet restaurant is Olancha on Hwy 395, about 1:00 away. The store is open.

                • #13688 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    Bring your Cliff bars and beef jerky. 🙂

                  • #13689 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      A bit of a bummer, wanted to support these guys, bring no food and oder out. Sorry to hear.
                      Going to bring the full camp cook kit and call it camping!
                      No problem, Larry Troffer showed us how to have a Bacon and Egg Breakfast without even cracking open the stove! 🙂

                    • #13718 Reply
                      Henry Salari

                        Is it safe to assume that fires are allowed on the campground considering fire restrictions are still in effect statewide. Would love to bring some food to cook on the fire, though. Thanks in advance.

                        Goat Moto Tours -

                      • #13719 Reply
                        John Crittenden

                          I believe we will have the option of campfires, especially with the recent rains. I am planning on having a fire.

                        • #13733 Reply
                          John Crittenden

                            Last call for the reserved rooms/tent cabins. I’ll be taking them off the table by Feb 5.

                          • #13739 Reply
                            Rob Tripp

                              Camp fires should be allowed. I live in the Sierras and we’ve been allowed to burn since November.

                            • #13740 Reply
                              Harry Hoffman

                                I’m signed up and ready for some dirt and camping! Yeah!

                              • #13766 Reply
                                Henry Salari

                                  Any stops before Ridgecrest for LA riders to join the group?

                                  Goat Moto Tours -

                                • #13767 Reply
                                  John Crittenden

                                    From Flo’s at Chino Airport, we’ll hit Kramer Junction about 10:30, stopping at the southeast corner area. Leave about 10:45. From there, Trona Road, etc. with a lunch stop in Trona.

                                  • #13780 Reply
                                    Karl Wagner

                                      Any final call on the state of the restaraunt at PS? Would like to support them if they are open. I am unable to get anyone to answer the phone there… :0

                                    • #13783 Reply
                                      Jacob Furgatch

                                        Depart Flo’s at 9am, or meet at 9am? If Flo’s is open I may show up early for breakfast.

                                      • #13786 Reply
                                        Chris Roady

                                          I’d call them Jacob. I was by there last month and they were not open.

                                        • #13788 Reply
                                          Willis Ho

                                            Hi John, Any GPX route plan available, or we will go without it.


                                          • #13789 Reply
                                            John Crittenden

                                              Hey, y’all—–here’s some amateur route planning. Don’t really need it, but fun to do anyway.
                                              I’ve got two possible day rides. I lean toward the 312 mile one. On the other hand, if all is going well, could even stay another night and do the 2nd one also.
                                              The ride home is open.

                                              And, Dave E.—-don’t forget to bring the new Club banner!

                                            • #13796 Reply
                                              Henry Salari

                                                Good morning John. I did something to my knee yesterday and now it’s stuck in one position, won’t stretch or bend. I’ll give it another day to see if it’s well enough to do the ride but I don’t think I’ll be able to balance the motorcycle on it so unfortunately I won’t be able to attend this weekend. I was looking forward to riding with the group but I guess my knee had other plans. If there’s any cost involved for the reservation of the campsite please let me know who and how to pay. Thank you and be safe everyone.

                                                Goat Moto Tours -

                                              • #13801 Reply
                                                Rob Tripp

                                                  I’m packed up and leaving Thursday as inclement weather is expected crossing the Sierra on the 88 Friday. Going to hit the tables in Reno Thursday night. Hopefully I have a few bucks left to pay for the campsite. Looking forward to seeing you all!

                                                • #13811 Reply
                                                  Jacob Furgatch

                                                    If you are checking the weather on your iPhone make sure to enter Panamint Springs and not Death Valley. Panamint is about 10 degrees cooler at night. Expected 60’s during the day and a low of 38 at night. Bring something warm to wear!

                                                    And if you plan on meeting up for the start from Flo’s at 9am at the Chino airport and want to have breakfast there they are open for outside dining starting at 6am. I just called them to verify.

                                                  • #13812 Reply
                                                    John Crittenden

                                                      Sorry to hear, Henry. You can pay for the whole campsite, both nights, as we won’t have your company.

                                                      See you at Flo’s, for those who are riding up with me. We leave by 9. Text me if any problem!

                                                    • #13813 Reply
                                                      Karl Wagner

                                                        Very good weekend in Death Valley, thank you to John C for orgainizing it, to those that could make it, to the off-road crew for hitting the trails, and in particular the honorable Rob Trip for gracing us with his presence from Northern California…. and riding off road on his K1600…. a true Giant among GS riders!!!

                                                      • #13819 Reply
                                                        Eric Wolf

                                                          Yes, agreed! Great weekend. Thanks John for organizing and to Karl for leading the ragged group of off-roaders.

                                                        • #13820 Reply
                                                          John Crittenden

                                                            And, thanks to all for being there! I had a great time. The last leg of the ride home was a b***h, but of course very glad everyone got home safely.

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