October Newsletter fresh off the press!!!

October Newsletter fresh off the press!!!

Forums Newsletters October Newsletter fresh off the press!!!

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  • #21138 Reply
    Henry Salari

      Dear South Coasters,

      We’re thrilled to share the exciting highlights from our October Newsletter! Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll find:

      1. Weekend Getaway to Porterville: Read about the unforgettable weekend retreat in Porterville!

      2. Welcome to Several New Members: We’re delighted to welcome a number of new members who have recently joined our community. Let’s extend a warm welcome and make sure to introduce ourselves to these fresh faces at our upcoming events and gatherings.

      3. “Is International Travel for You?” Contemplating international travel? The newsletter features an insightful article discussing the pros and cons of international travel. Whether you’re an avid explorer or considering your first overseas adventure, this article will offer valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

      Be sure to check your inbox for the full October Newsletter! It’s packed with exciting information, upcoming events, and useful tips. https://scbmwrc.com/newsletter/october-2023-newsletter/

      Thank you for being a part of our vibrant community! We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and making the most of these exciting opportunities together.

      Best regards,
      Henry Salari



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